Chapter 6: Between a Rock and a Hard Place

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"Everyone get to a safe place under a table or door frame!" Before I could get to safety a pice of roof fell adove me. Strong arms grabed my waist and threw us out of the room. A heavy weight was placed over my body. My eyes were still shut closed. "Yare Yare Daze,... we're safe now you can let go of me now." I opened my eyes and noticed my arms around Jotaro. Another thing that I relised was that Jotaros head was faced down on my breasts. As I was about let go I noticed that he was enjoying his placement on my body. "Yare Yare... are you ganna-" A small whimper left my mouth. "What the heck I'm not doing anything worth-" Another escaped my mouth again. "Stop talking! Im very sensitive there!" After that I knew that I was in for it. "Your going to have to get used to it cause I think I'm stuck." Small whimpers came out of my mouth. "Great! I'm stuck here with a guy who is the silent type, but once in a situation where I would like complete and total silence, he decides to tell me his life story!" His stand came out and tried to pull the buildings ceiling off of him. While trying to make star platinum pull off rocks he would grunt into my chest sending chills down my spine. "OKAY! OKAY! CAN YOU STOP THAT! Look I know that you want to get out but doing this wont work." He stopped and returned his stand. "Well if someone could stop holding me and whinning everytime she felt a vibrate in her chest maybe we could be out of here...Or oh I don't know if you had a stand!" He let out a long sigh. "...I have a stand." He moved his heads position slightly. "Oh really then why am I the only one doing work?" I took a beep breath raising my chest up. He blushed madly at my sudden action. "Oi, bitch don't take all of the air, we dont even know if there's enough for your fat ass!" I glared at him. "You'd know that I have a large ass wouldn't you?!..." My whisper came out louder than I wanted it to. "What did you just say bitch?!" His arms tightened around my waist. I gasped. "If you had just taken the old mans warning neither of us would be here!" I looked up at the little light coming through the small cave formed by ceiling rubble. Tears left my eyes. "I'M SORRY, I'M SO SORRY!" He looked at me with concern. "W-what do you-" I cut him off. "I'M SORRY FOR EVERYTHING! I'M SORRY FOR NOT SAYING THANK YOU PROPERLY, I'M SORRY FOR BEING A BITCH, AND A HORE. I'M SORRY FOR NOT TAKING THE WARNING. I'M SORRY FOR NOT BEING A GOOD SISTER, OR A GOOD DAUGHTER. I'M SORRY FOR BEING A WASTE OF LIFE. AND DAD I WISH THAT MOM AND SIS WERE STILL HERE INSTEAD OF ME TOO!" Tears spread along my (s/c) cheeks. A warm something touched my cold watery cheeks. I opened my eyes. Jotaros hand was caressing my face. "You don't have to be sorry for any of those things (y/n). Yare yare daze... I'm glad that your the one stuck with me in this cave of rubble. He struggled trying to break his arms free. Once they were free he moved closer to my face. Our faces now met. He placed his lips on mine. His hands were on my face caressing it, I then moved my hands to his chest to hold him up. Once my hands were on his chest, I felt a warm substance that was liquidly. I broke our kiss, I forced Rava to her Angel form, she then lifted the heavy rubble off of Jotaro and layed his back on the ground. "So you do have a stand." I lifted up his shirt to check and see which wound caused the blood. As I scanned his body I saw no wounds. He sat up as I moved slowly away. "Whats wrong?" He asked then looked down at his blood red shirt. "No no no!" I shook my head and kept backing away from him.

(Author-chan; "I think (y/n)'s on her period..."
(y/n); "I'M ON MY PERIOD!"...
Author-chan; "Called it! Just kidding, its way more intense than that 😂")

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