Chapter 8:Wendy's and a story

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When I walk out of the hotel i’m greeted by about 50 guys. Wow they brought like a whole army. They are all holding guns and weirdly this is normal for me so I feel relaxed even more.  We all pile into the cars that they all brought. Chris and I sat in the back seat of his SUV and just talked about what happened while I was in their possession.

“ Wait he slapped you?” Chris asked with a horrified look on his face. I was telling him about the elevator ride.

“I always knew my attitude would get me in trouble,” I laugh. But, I could see the anger in his eyes. “But, you got me back and that’s all that matters. Lets leave it at that.”

“Do you think he is going to try and do something, Chris?” Tony says from the front seat.

“Probably. He changed his mind about pointing that gun at me after he looked to the right of the building.But, I don’t want to think about it right now.”

“You saw that too?” I asked.

“Yeah. I notice things too.” he laughs. I laugh along and then lean back into the seat and close my eyes. They carry on their conversation and I drift off to sleep.

I am shaken awake by Chris,”We’re here.” I look up at we’re at Wendy's. This has to look really weird. About 50 guys climbing out of about 20 cars. And one girl they are surrounding. Doesn’t look like a gang at all.

“Ladies first,” Chris says and lets me walk up to the counter first.

“Oh thank you,” I say politely with a hint of sarcasm.

I walk up to the counter and the lady behind the counter looks terrified. I give her my order. I ended up with triple burger, french fries, a pop, and a frosty. I’m apparently really hungry. Then Chris orders and goes with me to fill up my drink. We pick to sit in the back corner and move the tables around so we are all sitting together. It takes about a half an hour for everyone to get ordered.

“So what's the story?” I ask once everyone is seated.

“Well it all started when we first got you out of New York,” Tony says, “Mike had been acting weird. Always on his phone and would never be in the same room as when he was on the phone.” He pauses to take a bite of sandwich.

“Tony was keeping me updated through it all,” Chris adds.

“It got really weird when Mike had to make a call right after Chris called about you being found. But, I didn’t have time to think about because we needed to get to you. Then when we stopped at Wendy’s before the car was following us, I had to go to the bathroom. And I accidently grabbed Mike’s phone instead of mine. While I was in there he got a text. It said something like the car is on the way where are you guys?”

“Then he called me.” Chris said, “ He read the texts to me and it was all about how if a car was following you guys you would definitely stop for at a hotel. And when you go there Mike would text them to come get you.”

“ Wait you knew since yesterday like a couple hours after you picked me up that this was going to go down?” I ask. They both nod their heads. “Then why did you stop at the hotel or why didn’t you kick mike out of the truck right then and there.” I ask in a loud tone.

“Because they didn’t want Mike and them to come up with a different plan we didn’t know about.” It is Noah who answers this time.

“And it was more fun this way,” Gavin says. I slap him in the back of the head.

“It was more fun for me to be tied up and slapped by like 3 guys?” I almost yell.

“Not what I meant. This way everyone got to come. We go to see who this guy was and the look on his face.” He says defensively.

“And I got a couple hits in on the scumbag Mike,” Noah says casually.

“So anyway,” Tony says. “ Chris tells me just to watch for the car and he will set everything else up.”

“ So I look up one of the more discreet hotels in Pennsylvania and tell you guys to go there. I get all the guys that I can together and we speed all the way here. We even took the highway instead of back roads.”

I look at him, “Awww I knew you all loved me,” I point with my finger and wave it at all the guys. All of them smile, some even laugh.

“What makes you say that.” Eric asks.

“You guys took the highway instead of back roads just to get me.” I smile at him.

“Well to be fair we were saving ourselves. Because if we didn’t get there in time Chris would have killed us all.” Thomas answers.

I stick my tongue out at him and say, “Uh huh,sure that’s why.”

“So we speed all the way there and we get there before Jesse and his men. 15 of us check into a room and I had the rest stay out in the parking lot” Chris says.

“Yeah he made me stand at the peep hole for 2 hours just staring at your door,” Noah says.

“So when Jesse finally got there it took ten of us to hold back Chris over there,” Daron says.

“Really?” I ask.

“Yeah. Tony put a mic in the room so we could hear everything that was going on. And when we heard a slap and you wince we had to tackle him and have a doggy pile to keep him down,” Daron responds.

“ But, it calmed him down when he heard your sarcasm,” Gavin says, “He knew you were holding strong when he heard that.”

“Especially that part where you said that he had to be related to the boss to have and keep his job, that was hilarious.” Thomas laughs

“ And oh my god. That part where you said it sounds about right that he could only get girls with low self esteem. That had me in tears.” Eric cracks up.

“ I was outside having a smoke when they left the room with you,” Chris says, “ So when I saw SUVs pull up I walk inside. And see you over that guy's shoulder it took all of my being not to go kill that guy.”

“You scared me for a minute there. You walked past us like nothing was going on. The only reason I recognized you was mom’s tattoo. And when you kept walking I wanted to punch you,” I say.

I finish of the frosty and look in awe at all the guys who came to my rescue even if Chris told them too.

“And you know the rest,” Tony says.

“Yeah I do. And it scared the shit out of me when Jesse pulled his gun on you.” I look back at Chris and he smiles.

“Aww you care about me.” I puts his hand up to his heart and I just rolled my eyes. “And I knew he wasn't going to do it. There were too many of our men,”

“And talking about our men,” I make my voice louder, “ I want to thank you all for coming to my rescue.” I smile and so do the guys. I get a medley of your welcomes and no problems.

“Well before this gets any more sentimental I have to use the restroom,” i stand up and so does Chris, “ Uhh Dad I think I can go to the bathroom by myself.”

“Well I hope you can.  But after what just happened you are doing anything without someone with you.”

“Oh Yay.” I say sarcastically.

When I get to the bathroom Chris waits outside of the door. I do my business and then walk over to wash my hands. I look in the mirror and see the bruises forming on my face. Great.  I walk out of the bathroom and before I can get very far I am pulled into a hug from Chris.

“I also just wanted a minute alone with you to make sure you the best you can with the current situation.”

“I’m fine. Just wishing bruises didn't have exist.” I laugh.

“Sky I’m being for real here. Are you ok?” I can see the concern in his eyes.

“I’m doing ok. Could be doing better. BUt, I think I’m doing good considering what just happened.”

“Well that’s all a dad can ask for right?” He smiles and puts his arms around my shoulder and we walk out to the car and climb in. As soon as we get on the highway I pass out.  

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