15 0 0

"Gunshot?" Julia asked.

"Sounds close, they might be able to help, I'll lead these things away. Take Kat and find the shooter" Aurora demanded, acting like she had the whole thing planned out.

"But, momm-" Kat started, but another gunshot silenced her. Aurora bent down to Kat's eye level and rested both hands firmly on her shoulders. Julia looked around, knowing that the zombie like things were attracted the shots instead of them.

"Kat, I'll be fine. Please just get out of here with this nice la-"

"Julia" She interrupted.

"Please, just leave with Julia and I promise, I promise, I'll come and find you, okay?" Aurora basically begged.

"Pinky promise?" Kat asked, tears beginning to fall.

"Pinky promise" Aurora replied with a small grin. She stood back to Julia's height, and began walking towards her.

"Please" Aurora asked, tears shielding her eyes. Taking realisation of what she was being asked to do, Julia's eyes suddenly widened.

"I- I can't" Julia said, looking around, hoping something would come to the rescue.

"Goddamit Julia, get a grip and take her" Aurora snapped, one tear slowly sliding down her face.

"If I'm not there at sundown, take her and leave" Aurora whimpered, scared for her daughter's life.

"Please don't make m-" Julia started, but yet again another gunshot filled the air.

"They're getting further away! Go!" Aurora yelled. She began sprinting away, leaving Kat and Julia standing there like fools.

Finally realising the pace she would have to keep, Julia swooped up Kat in one swift motion and legged it into the direction of the gunshot.

A tank some came into view, and Julia couldn't help but sprint to it. Climbing underneath, Kat by her side, they clambered into the tank, only to hear a horse galloping from the outside, and a lot of those zombie things, a lot.

"What are they?" Kat whispered, Julia wasn't sure if the question was her or Kat herself.

"I- I don't know" Julia answered, clearly wanting to know herself. Julia looked around desperately, knowing that there would have to be something, and she was correct.

Gasping, Julia shoved herself and Kat into the wall. A body layed lifelessly against the opposite wall, blood dripping from their army uniform. Moving forward slowly, Julia approached it and patted her hands over the body, in search for a weapon. 

When her hand finally touched a holster, she ripped it from the pocket, and stared at it.

A gun.

Kat burned her small eyes into the weapon, like it was her worst enemy.

"That kills people" She snapped quietly, as if the gun would hear her.

"That's a good thing... for now" Julia answered tilting her to look at the girl.

(20 minutes later)

"Julia, I'm not feeling too good" Kat complained, her small hand wiping the beads of sweat from her forehead,

"Help will come soon, we just have to wait for another gunsho-" As if by magic, another gunshot sounded, but this time a lot closer to the tank the girls were hiding in. 

Kat scrambled closer to Julia in a state of panic, and couldn't help but let tears escape her eyes once again. Julia dreaded to think of what Kat was going through, especially at such a young age.

She was soon pulled out of thought as bangs surrounded the tank. Julia stared around as the tank slowly started to shake sending shivers through her body. Just then, the hatch on the floor started to slowly open, and Julia's confident side came bursting through.

Aiming the gun at the hatch and pushing Kat behind her, Julia's breathing deepened. She clicked off the safety and sturdied her hands, making sure this stranger would get a shot at least through the head or the chest.

A head appeared over the hatch, but this one wasn't rotten and half gone, it was all there.

And he was pretty attractive.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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