Pictures? [IMAGINE]

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You sat on the edge of your bed. Looking down at the floor. You were kind of down for no reason. It was just a gloomy day. You stand up and look over at your pictures hanging on the wall. You smile at a picture of you and the losers and then look over at a drawing Bill made for you.

He drew you in a grey sweatshirt that was really long. You had longstockings on and your hair was long and messy. You were looking down but not in a sad way. On the lower right of the piece of paper, you could see his handsignature. You smiled like an idiot to yourself and decide to look at another picture.

This one was with you, Eddie and Richie. It was on Halloween and you all dressed up and stood infront of a creepy looking house making silly faces. Eddie was dressed in a Winnie the Pooh onsie, Richie dressed up as Spock from Star Trek and you were Princess Leia from Star Wars.

Another picture right upbove the Halloween photo was you, Beverly, Eddie and Mike climbing a tree and you could see Ben's head peeking through one of the thick branches.

Another drawing. But this time you drew cartoon versions of everyone. You didn't show it to them cause you didn't feel like you needed to. Everybody was on it. Your handsignature was in the bottom right of the drawing.

Christmas!!! A picture of you in your red onsie with a pattern of white snowflakes. You see the light of the fire hitting your face and Bill's too. Bill is sitting next to you on a couch drinking hot chocolate with wipped cream. You drink the same thing and have wipped cream on your nose while smiling like a dork. Bill glances at you in the photo.

NEXT PHOTO!! This was you on the beach with Beverly. You had braided your hair in a french braid and Beverly had her short hair. You both are playing in the waves, almost drowning.

Another one with only you and Stan chilling on a bench. You took the 'selfie' and the photo came out of the camera. You wore cute brown shorts and a an shirt with dirty-green stripes and dirty-yellow stripes. Your hair was in a messy ponytail. Stan had long brown pants and the same shirt. You two thought it would be fun to match a little bit. In the photo you kiss his cheek as a friend.

Last picture was you, Richie and Stan. You were wearing Richies glasses and Richie was crossing his arms jokingly. Stan was laughing his ass off because you were mocking Richie.

You look back to your empty room and smile to yourself. You open your backpack from school and see a card falling out. The picture shows the Eiffel Tower lit up at night. You look on the back of the card.

You read it:
'Your eyes, your smile and your hair are so beautiful. I wish I could tell you personally how I felt, but I can't. So here's a card with all my feelings. Hopefully if you find out who I am and feel the same way, I can bring you to Paris and make your wishes come true.

~xxx Secret Admirer'

You smile widely and think about who it could be.
-Was it Richie? Bill? Stan?! Or Ben?? No, wait. Ben likes Bev and so does Bill. Wait, Eddie??-

You were so confused and tried to figure it out but just couldn't so you decide to put it on your bedside table.

Your gloomy day turned into a happy one.


Okay lol cheesy af but it was cute tho. You can choose yourself from who the card was from :))

Lol, Authorrrrr

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