Mike Hanlon x Reader [IMAGINE]

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You were walking your dogs in the park. One Jackrussel, One pug and one teckel. You loved all of them equal. As you were walking, one of the dogs decides to take a shit. You wait paciently. You look to your right to see a tall blonde boy with a group of other tall boys picking on a boy who looked similar to your age. "HEY!" You shout deciding to stand up for him. They all look at you and walk towards you. "Look what we have here.... How much do I need to pay?!" The blonde boy jokes and makes a dirty hand gesture. "I'm not a slut. Leave that poor boy alone!" You scoff at them. They laugh at you. "What are you gonna do, sugar?" Another boy with darker hair says. "This." You say and grab his arm. You flip him on his back and hold him down. "Don't you ever hurt anyone again.... Understand?!" Henry just looks at you shocked from what a girl can do. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?" You yell. He nods slowly and you let go of him. They all run off, leaving the boy by himself. You take the dogs with you and walk up to the boy.

"Thanks. No one has ever done that for me." He thanks you softly. "No problem. My dad taught me some moves. Guess it was usefull afterall!" You smile and let out a giggle. He does the same. "I'm Y/N." You move your hand forward for him to shake it. "I'm Mike" He says and shakes your hand. "Are those your dogs?" He asks and you nod. "Can I pet them?"

"Yeah" You reply. "You really are a gentlemen..." You complement him while chuckling. "What are their names?" He looks up at you and then back at the dogs. "The pug is named Felix, the jackrussel is called Luna and the teckel's name is Biscuit." You explain while he keeps petting and hugging the dogs.

"You seem cool. Wanna hang out some time?" You ask with confidence. "Yeah, sure. Maybe at my place?" He says while smiling.

"For sure"


Idk what to write here. So uhhh HELLO!

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