Richie Tozier x Reader [IMAGINE]

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You and Richie were in the arcade. Playing streetfighter.

(( I still play streetfighter. But only on my Nintendo Switch😂))

You were beating him in the game. "C'mon, c'mon!" You mumbled to yourself. You hit Richie's character hard. "Finish him!" The game said and you blasted him and he fell to the floor. "Winner!" The machine 'spoke' in a deep voice. You cheered and threw your hands up in the air. Richie admired you and stood there in defeat.

"You wanna play something else?" You ask him and he nods. You look around to see a Mario kart game. You drag Richie towards it to play. "Damnit! I have no coins left!" You sigh. "Me neither. Wanna go somewhere else?" He suggests. You nod and follow him out the door.

While walking through a park it was silent. An awkward silent. "S-so, uhh.... How's life?" Richie began to say nervous. "Nice way to start a conversation." You giggle out loud. "But things are.... normal" You replay in a questionable way. "You?" You try to keep the conversation going. "It could be better." He mumbled underneath his breath. You looked down and did not realise there was treestomp and you tripped over it, falling right on top of Richie.

You both blushed. As you stood up Richie looked into your eyes and did the same thing. After he also stood up, he got the courage from somewhere and kissed you on the cheek.

You blushed madly and Richie starts to get nervous again. "I-I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened I just-" He rambeled but got cut off. Of course now you have the confidence to actually kiss him. "You're cute Tozier" You smile and take his hand while walking through the park.

The rest of the day, Richie couldn't hide his smile...

(( This sucked. Sorry lol xD. I'll try to make a better one😂))

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