Stanley Uris x Reader [IMAGINE]

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You and the losers were in the sewers. The place with the floating children and Pennywises sewer house, I guess. You were right in the middle of fighting Pennywise. He grabs you and throws you against the wall. "Ouch!" You scream even though nobody could hear you.

After a while, Pennywise was sitting against the edges of a.... 'hole'?? And was almost defeated. "You didn't kill Beverly, cause she wasn't afraid." Bill begins. "And were not afraid either." He ends his short speech. Pennywise laughs and smiles creepily at us. I start to get goosebumps and shake. "I'm sorry Bill but there's still one person in the room left..." He smirks and points at me. "If she fears me, I can kill her." He smiles creepily again and morphs into my biggest fear: '(your fear)'. I cling onto Stan while he tries to calm me down. Pennywise grabs me and holds me. "How I love the smell of fear..." Pennywise laughs. "Let g-g-go of her!" Bill orders mad. "S-s-sorry Bill!" Pennywise mocks Bill in a rude way.

"Just fucking kill me already!!" I shout out of anger. "What?!" The losers say in unison and shocked. "I can't take this fucking bullshit anymore!" You start to get angry and sad. They all stare at you in shock. "Leave without me. Please!!!!" I beg them but they stay. "As long as I still fear him, there's no chance of escaping!" You explain while Pennywise holds you tight and mocks you by making a 'puppet' out of his hand and pretends to be talking. "You're now gonna die anyway!!" Pennywise laughs at you. A tear rolled down your cheek as you said your last words. "I'm sorry..." You blurted out and took Pennywise with you in a giant hole. "NOOOO!!" Beverly screamed. "Y/N?!? WHAT THE FUCK!" Richie yelled down the dark, deep hole. The rest stood there in shock. Stan, Bill and Eddie had tears forming. Richie just stood there frozen. Beverly sat with her head in her knees and Mike & Ben were still looking down the hole.

"NO!" Stan begins. "No, no, no, NO!!" He falls onto the floor and cries. "This isn't real!! PLEASE SAY THAT THIS IS A NIGHTMARE!!" He shouts out of anger and sadness. Bill comes over to him and hugs him while Stan is still crying. "This can't be fucking real!! It just.... can't" His voice cracks and he slowly starts to get less angry and more sad. Mike looks up to see all the missing children floating down. "Look. The missing kids are floating down" Mike says while looking up.

"They're not Y/N" Stanley murmers really soft so no one could hear but Bill did. "And they're not Georgie" He says to him while putting his hand on his shoulder. Stan looks up to him and then puts his head back down. They both break down in tears. The other losers come and hug them.

They all seperated and looked in different directions. Waiting for all the kids to float down. Stan was still in the same position with Bill. They were silent until Stanley spoke up. "I never told her 'I love you' or how I really feel about her. Now she'll never know." Stan says soft. Bill looks at him and wants to say something but gets cut off by Stan. "Stan, I-" "You're lucky to have Beverly. You can still tell her..." Stanley puts his head in his knees.

Bill walks over to Beverly but nothing comes out of his mouth. He pretends to just be doing the same thing as everyone else.

Stan wasn't able to do anything for a year and a half. He just sits on his bed. Crying and feeling depressed. Until one day he found a note under his bed.

"Stan, I love you more than old people love chicken.

-Y/N ❤"

Stan smiles and laughs because of how stupid it sounds. All those days being sad are replaced by this one minute being happy. Knowing that she, also felt the same way....

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