Chapter 5

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Pray for others as you do for yourself.  Even the one you despise. They need Him as much as you do, if not more

Rasheed pov

I opened my eyes and saw my gorgeous wife lied next to me.

Hah,it was a muggy day.I snuck out from our bed to do stuff.

As I finished my shower and pray. I sneek out to make her breakfast.

I wanna made her proud tho.hehe

It's was very easy though, just switched on the fire and then WALA!
That was my expectation.

The truth is I don't know how to cook.

Hey don't judge me okay

Life is like weird,how can she is so professional bout cooking.

Suddenly I felt someone tapped my shoulder. I was so flabbergasted.

(Y/n) pov

"What are you doing down here?"I ranted angrily gave him a scowl look.

"I'm deadly sorry , y/n.I just wanna make  you proud."he said in a low toned.

"It's okay though, Im just wasn't expected you to be doing this "I said felt guilty.

"I will obliged you, Let's made breakfast together"I said cheerfully.

Rasheed pov
As she standing next by me,it was so closed that's made me oomph.

My  heart beating so fast .Stop heart,don't
embarrassed me.

So we're cooking a fried eggs,I deliberately Ignited the eggs.

she took my hand and gently put my hand aside.I'm blushed again, I've learned tips about 'how to hid your blush'

She laughed,making the fried eggs balmy again.

"Wah,you're ingenious"I said clapped my hands blissfully liked a seal.

"Y/n,do you have any tips,why my prayers are  not being complied with by Allah?"I asked.She nodded her head.

"Ibrahim bin Adham, a respected Sufi scholar, was surrounded by people when he was in the Basrah market. Some of them asked why their prayers were not being complied with by Allah  while they were always praying to Him? He replied, "Because of the heart You are blind because of 10 things .. "

10 things mentioned by Ibrahim bin Adham are:

1. You know Allah but you do not obey His rights.

2. You love the Messenger s.a.w but you reject the sunnah.

3. You read the Qur'an but you do not practice it.

4. You eat the favors of Allah Subhanahu Wa Taála but you do not thank Him.

5. You said the satan was your enemy but you did not oppose it.

6. You say that heaven is true but you do not practice for it. *

7. You say that hell is true but does not run away from it.

8. You said the death was true but you were not ready for him.

9. You wake up from sleep and tell the shame of a man but forget his own shame.

10. You buried the dead but did not learn from them."I said the ending.

Rasheed pov

"And Practice before bed.

Make the practice of reciting of * surah al-Mulk * as a practice before going to bed, it is the surah Al munjiah (savior), the message of Rasulullah SAW to his companions and all of us, we hope to survive from grave punishment ..

Surah who teaches alot about the hereafter .. recite and read it. we will never regret it ..

Abu Hurairah r.a said the Prophet S.A.W said,

"Surely there is a sura in the Qur'an (contains) thirty verses, which intercedes for one until he is forgiven of his sin which is the surah 'Tabaarakalladzi biyadihil mulk (Surah Al-Mulk)'."

(Hadith History of Tirmizi)"she continued.

"Masya Allah . This why I want to love you"I mumbled.

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