Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Rasheed pov

As I went to y/n's room.she slept peacefully,She looked so pale and fragile lying there.I was about to cry,because she's in a critical condition.

White cloth plastered y/n head with black blood.there are so many wires attached to y/n's body.


"I'm sorry sir"

"What happened?"

"She have lost a lot of blood and she might di—

"I can donate my blood!"I cut him off cause i don't wanna hear it

"But she needs a lot of blood, like a lot"

"It's okay,I will do anything for her"the doctor just nodded and gave sad smiled.

End flashback~

Yes I already donated my blood and it was so hurt liked @#£|pkcsj.

Then I grabbed the chair and dragged it near to y/n's bed.I hold her hand shakily.

"Ya Allah, I-I'm sorry babe"I apologized.

She's perfect in every angle eventho people say no one is perfect but in my eyes and thru my heart she is perfecto.

I am exactly what she accused me of being:stupid.We're like puzzle pieces that just don't match,but are somehow glued together and meant to be.

I take out my novel from my Arsenal bag to read while waiting for her to wake up

Yep Im an Arsenal's fan and y/n's Chelsea's fan.I remembered that day when we fought about that, but Chelsea won the campion.

She really hates me whenever I use this Arsenal's bag that's why I use it every where I go. I love seeing her mad its cutee

It's very hard for me to focus reading cause the love of my life is unconcious and here I am sobbing and pray to Allah that she soon wakes up

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