Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Y/n pov

I slowly open my eyes then saw a white ceiling.Where am I?

I felt my right hand being touched, I turned my face I saw Rasheed sleeping and holds my  hand. Cute

"Hey,wake up!"I yelled.I was still angry you know.

Then he stared at me with widely eyes."you're alive, Alhamdulillah, where is the doctor, doctor!"he shouted happily while running calling the doctor .

"You get out,I don't want to see you"I poked my finger to him.He just made puppy eyes but I still glared at him, soon he exit the 'wad'. He looks sad but I don't care

Suddenly a nurse came in,went to my bed standing next to me waiting for the doctor.As the door 'wad' was opened,a beautiful lady came in with 'slow motion'

"Come on,this is not a 'miss universe' show,doc"the nurse said annoyed with the woman manner.

"Okay,ni hao"she greeted.wait I was confused,she is a Chinese?

"DOCTOR"the nurse spoke."chill, Im kidding girl"the doctor said.

Her brown eyes met mine and said

"Y/n,your condition is alright right now but you still can go back to your home today and relax"she spoked. "Doctor,how many days I fell asleep"I asked curiously.

"2 years" she said with her serious face

"Really?!" Im shooked.

"Okay,hahahah just 9 days"she laughed. I just nodded."you're so lucky that your husband always visited you,he always crying and said sorry though"She spoked.

Wait he always visits me,9 days.weird.

When they left,out of blue a clown came in and it was my sister.remember my fierce sister?

"Hello,my sister"

"Who are you"

"Really?"she said.

"I'm just joking gimme hug"I said laughing."I already packed your things. I miss you sis"she spoked.

When we arrived to my house,I felt so nervous and yeah,my sister knew about the fought.But she said just forgive him,meh.I got out from my sister car,she waved at me and drove away.

As I about to knock  ,Rasheed open it and hug me

"Y/n,I'm sorry"holding my hands while sobbing

I felt like my mouth sealed.

"If today you don't want to forgive my 'jahiliah' history,it's okay.but I only want you one day can belike Umar Al-khattab's wife thatL received his husband that after his 'hijrah',not his 'jahiliah' history that wanted to kill Prophet Muhammad.If tomorrow or next time you don't want to receive my 'jahiliah' history,I really hope you belike Khalid Al-Walid's wife that can received his husband that became muslim  although his 'jahiliah' history that once  he lose prophet Muhammad at one war and you know that Khalid Al-Walid was the leader"he spoke made me wanted to cry.

"I forgive you and I'm sorry too" Then I hugged him and he replied my hugged.

After we prayed isya' prayer he wrapped his arm around me while I'm folding

"Come lets sleep,mi amor"

"okay"I said little bit blushing.

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