Im sick but feeling generous so another chapter is in order: Parents Day

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  AN: I'm going to put some shameful self promotion. If you like this book you might like my dadvid book I have dubbed My Loveliest Secret. It's about how David is a demon and how max takes it, and you all know by now I'm a complete ho for dadvid AUs and fanfic. Ok sorry Self promotion is over

   Max dreaded the day. He honestly hated his parents with more vigor than he hated himself and this stupid hellhole of a fraudulent camp.
   "Oh god I'm using big words. I'm not turning out like Neil." He groaned loudly. And walked out of his tent. Parents would be arriving any minute and Max just wanted to curl up and have a story read to him like he was still three.
   While he would love to be treated like an adult, being treated like a decent little kid for once sounded like heaven.
   But he'd be damned if he told David that. He might love the man like a dad, but he would not show weakness until absolutely needed. He walked to the mess hall, as it lived up to its name. Max was about to lose it on every single one of the kids if they didn't shut up and behave. They were tamer than usual but that was partly because they were still a small bit shocked, but also because Max started to refuse to cause trouble.
It was so strange seeing the small blue wearing boy sitting alone only talking when spoken to and with the camp counselor. Everyone thought he was sick, or maybe David finally did something to shut the hellion up.
It was also mind boggling when the boy would sit and read. It was so out of character for him that's what got the rest of the kids on board with Nikki and Neil's plans of seeing what was up.
Preston was being dramatic and yelling and max was whale way across the room and almost going to strangle the thespian.
"Shut up Preston! Jesus you don't have to yell, we aren't outside." He yelled over the crowds. Scaring the children in it wake. Gwen finally got in and started reading her inappropriate magazines and romance novels. And David walked in after, but he was quiet. The huge smile that usually adorned the happy man was a slight twist of the lips. He nodded to the quarter master, and walked over to an empty seat. Max walked up to him.
"You dad what's wrong." He asked almost irritated, not reliving the huge mistake he had made.
"You just called David dad." Neil sputtered out. Only. Few heard it but whispers where already circulating.
"No I didn't Neil. Shut up." Max growled, his teeth baring as if to scare the nerd out of his statement.
"Yes you did! Max called David dad!" Nikki piped up.
"Kids I love the enthusiasm but can that be used other than being ride to your fellow campers." David said, voice level. The whispering got louder but it was for a different topic.

Parents. They had arrived and the kids heard the cars and the commotion from outside. David made his fake as hell smile a small bit more real.
"Welcome to Camp Campbell, your kids are inside the mess hall. Why don't you go meet them inside I'm sure they missed you quite a lot." He said adding a small dose of cheer to his voice. The parents obliged and went tot sit with the designated kids. They all chatted , and many talked about how they either hated the camp or was okay with the friends they made.
That was when Cameron Campbell had to come in a screw it all up.
"Hello campers and parents!" He said, cheerfully with a backhand hint at hating that the parents came. Max knew there was something up with the way David froze when the man walked into the room. The whole summer he acted as if he liked the man. But he always seemed to fake the way he talked about the man.
David walked over to Max, and stood beside him like the other parents where doing to their kids. And, even though he wouldn't admit it, he liked it. He never had any live in his life so having a new family, even if it was him and David he would be just fine with it.
Many of the parents didn't care that the camp sucked, and the ones that did, did so very openly.
(Time skip after most kids did their performance.)
Max came back with David and Gwen. Gwen was nice but not exactly a motherly figure. He enjoyed the day none the less.
Cameron Campbell was arrested and he was angry that 'Davey' let him down. David flicked at the nickname. He didn't have such a. Good past with the the name.
The millers said that David could own the camp if he did some real clean up work. And he was excited, he shook the parents hands and some of the parents took the kids home. Dolf went home, space kid went home, and Nurf went to a better rehabilitation camp. David was kind of glad to see Nurf gone.
I mean the bugger stabbed him twice.
There was only a week left of camp, and max was cherishing the week.
The deal he made did tell I'm that he would be adopted, but it didn't say when. So he went to go talk to David. To be completely honest he got closer to the man, they shared some things in common. Max could play ukulele and violin, and David could play guitar. They also had a mutual hatred for Frozen.
He headed up to the cabin and knocked, David answered a couple moments later.
"What is it max?" He asked, it was oddly motherly almost as if David was a mom instead of a dad. Max held in a giggle, because giggles are not manly (or so the patriarchy says)
"I'm bored." He said plainly. David sighed playfully.
"Well I am pretty busy." He said, acting like he was thinking.
"Oh what the heck, I have a surprise anyway." The ten year old swiftly bowled into the cabin. And David handed him a box.
Max looked at it, it was wrapped in blue with pine trees on it. He looked up uncertainly. This was the fifth gift he ever go from an adult. David just smiled patiently and nodded for him to go on...
He opened it and then took the lid off of the box. There in the box was a small ukulele. It had a small hand carved design in it. A bear.
"You really like playing my guitar, so I decided to get you this."
Max smiled, and tears came to his eyes. Without thinking he tackled the man into a hug. David was gunned but hugged back.
"Alright bud. It's time for bed."

Notes: HOLY JESUS IVE BEEN WRITING THOUSANDS OF WORDS. I'm sorry I'm actually proud.

~Stay Super

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