Finally some Gay TM

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  An: I'm bored as HECC so more new chapters. Also some gay, hope you enjoy mutual pining and affection. And also I have some weird headcannons. Like David gets a little chubbier, not what you think, but curve. Daniel is a stick and I love my stick boyo. And my thick boyo. Enjoy

   David was wandering that night, as a human of course. Max was so sweet when he acted like cared.
   Then a familiar bat crossed his sight, "Daniel I know your there."
   A small squeak was let out as the small bat landed in front of him. In a single purple puff of smoke, there was a tall and lanky Daniel. David just laughed at the little change. Very showy, he smiled.
    "Do you want to join me on my nature walk or are you busy with vampire stuff?" David asked playfully.
    "I'd love to go on a nature walk David." The man smiled, the smile was wide so David could see his fangs. They walked in content silence listening to the forest sounds. And Daniel took sneaky glances at the man beside him. The man looked different from when he met him at first. He was a thicker, (T H I C C I'm so sorry carry on) his hair was redder, he looked almost, feminine. He kept stealing glances, analyzing every detail. David had perfectly white teeth, his eyes where a beautiful shade of forest green. And he was even wearing something other than his counselor get up. It was skinny jeans and a green sweater with hiking boots. It was cute and that Daniel would admit to anyone.
     Little to Daniels notice, David knew he was taking these glances and indulged in them himself. Daniel was still a twig and David felt a little self conscious. He always was on the thin side, but he now was a bit bigger. He looked at Daniels face, he had sharper features and looked refined in a strange ethereal way. He looked undeniably handsome.
    David knew he was a queer as soon as he got dumped by bonquisha. He didn't really like women that much either.  And honestly he was pining after Daniel for a while after he left.
   Daniel was still stealing little looks at the shorter man, (I HC that Daniel would be like three inches taller than Davey) he had a soft face with rosy cheeks and pink lips.
   God he was pining after the werewolf counselor ever since he laid his eyes on the softy. He was a huge sweetheart, had a sweet tooth, was an outdoorsy person, and loved almost everyone. God was that attractive to Daniels inner vampire. David also smelled really good. Daniel shook his head lightly, he can't be stuck on a crush like a middle grade school girl.
    "So Daniel. What brought you out tonight?" David asked, sitting on a comfortable grassy spot.
   Daniels stomach betrayed him. He came out to get food, but he did want to hang out with David. David just let out a chuckle. Changing from man to wolf. He held up a paw as it you say 'wait here'. So Daniel sat.
    After ten or so minutes passes, David came back with a deer hanging from his jaws. He laid it gently informs of the white wearing man. Daniel looked shocked, but changed into a bat and ate. David turned but to normal and laid on the grass, waiting for his friends to finish up. Poor guy skipped eating to hang out with him. His heart skipped a beat.
   The bat soon turned to man, and the deer was disposed off. They sat in a comforting silence, watching stars.
   "So David how's Max, your hellion demon child doing."
    David laughed, and Daniel blushed, face completely flushed. Much to his dismay David saw.
    "Max is doing great, he's settled down a small bit. He likes to read magic books. He's actually really sweet." He shrugged. A small smile graced Daniels lips. Though he did do bad things to the poor kid, he was glad to know the boy was ok.
   They spent hours of the night joking around, playfully chasing each other, fake flirting. They both thought he other thought it was fake, but they genuinely had a wonderful night.
   As they were playing chase, David got bowled over by Daniel. And ended up in a compromising position. David facing Daniel, their faces were close to each other's. Daniel kneeling in between David's legs. (Please don't take this as a sexual scene. I just can't describe it any other way without it sound sexual please forgive me reader-senpai)
   The blushed, and hard. Daniel was shocked and neither of them moved, as if scared.
   Finally after what seemed like hours, but was only a minute. They separated.
   "Sorry about that David." Daniel said, and David just brushed it off as an accident. Really the wolf inside him told him to kiss Daniel and never let him leave, but that was a little far fetched.
    "Let's meet up again tomorrow okay? Same place." David soft and sweet voice broke Daniels silence. He nodded.
    They hugged, and parted ways, both thinking the same thing.

    "I wish I had kissed him"

Notes: not a thousand like my other chapters but yo yo yo it's a chapter. I'm thinking about taking some requests on scenes and asking for headcannons that could fit in this book without contradicting it.

~Stay Super

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