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Hello and goodbye :D

The Arcana game does not belong to me
The picture above is not mine
My MC, Eclipse and Fang, are mine
You belong to your wonderful selves

"(Name)? Have you seen Faust anywhere? I can't find her anywhere"

Said woman walked up to the black haired man that was lifting up cushions

"Wasn't she with you when you were taking a nap?"

"She was but when I woke up she wasn't on my chest anymore..."

Sighing, the two adults started searching for the (adorable) familiar of Asra

~Time skip~

"Agh! I give up!"

The crimson eyed male plopped down the cushions as he raked his hand onto his smooth raven locks while (name) shook her head at this

"Gave up so easily...?"

The two turned to look at the entrance only to see Asra closing the door while a familiar snake slithered onto the witch's arm, tongue flickering out of her mouth

Fang pointed an accusing finger at the lilac/sky-blue snake, annoyance written all over his pale features

"You! How dare you give me a heart attack?"

Faust only tilted her head and flickered her tongue out at the man, as if mocking him for not being able to sense her disappearance in his sleep

"Don't give me that look"

"OK...? Welcome back master! How was the visit?"

Asra turned to look at the smiling (h/c)  girl, unconsciously smiling a tad bit as he placed his familiar onto the table

"The same as always... Nadi kept asking what would happen to Lucio... Julian kept on pestering Luna into keeping an eye on one of his leeches while he visited the Count... And Lucio, well, still on his bed"

Nodding, (name) walked up to Faust and let her slither onto her arm

"I see... And how is the Count's condition?"

The witch frowned as he looked outside the window, a distant look on his purple eyes

"To be exact I don't know... But I hope he gets well soon"

"We all do... I mean, he may be a prick sometimes-"

(Name) smacked Fang behind his head while Asra chuckled in amusement

"-but he's a great ruler... Wouldn't want anyone else"

"Mhm... Luckily Nadia isn't here because if she heard you... Well, I could only imagine what would happen to you"

The black haired male only rolled his eyes as he leaned onto the cushions, humming in content as he found a comfortable position while the others smiled and shook their heads at this

"Anyway... When are they-"

From outside the door, two voices could be heard... And it seems that one held irritation in it while the other had amusement

"For the last time... I am NOT going to babysit that... That... Thing!"

"Aren't you supposed to use leeches to cure people?"

"I do! But that one is different from the other ones! Whenever I would pass by it would start hitting it's head towards me while it's mouth opens wide! Showing it's teeth!"

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