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Hellooo and goodbyeee~

The Arcana game is not mine
The picture above is not mine
Eclipse and Fang are mine
You belong to your awesome self

~A few minutes earlier~

"Faust! Get... Off! Y-you're... Suffocating... M-me...!"

Fang wheezed while the said snake flicked her tongue out as she tightened her hold onto the raven haired man's neck

"Why the heck are you shouting so early in the morni-Fang!"

(Name) quickly walked to where the suffocating male was and carefully unwrapped the reptile from where she was curled up

"Gack...! Thank god you came in just in time... I would've been dead by now! I owe you one (name)"

"Uh-huh... No problem... How did she even end up wrapped around your neck in the first place? Wasn't she with master when we went to bed?"

The crimson eyed man shrugged as he stood up and stretched his limbs, groaning in delight when he heard some of his bones let out a satisfying crack

Asra opened the door of the shop and walked inside, attracting the attention of the two adults plus that of Faust's

"Oh! Master! Welcome back! How was the walk?"

"Thank you (name) and it was relaxing... Oh? There you are Faust, I was worried that something have happened to you when I didn't see you in my bag"

The lilac/light-blue snake slithered towards her familiar's outstretched arm - after (name) lowered her arm towards the floor - and flicked her tongue on his cheek, Asra chuckling in amusement

"Good morning Asra"

"Good morning to you too Fang"

Said male nodded as he looked outside the window to see people passing by the shop with smiles on their faces

"Would you like to go out and eat?"

(Name) was about to answer only for her stomach to beat her to it by growling, making the female blush darkly in embarrassment while the other two chuckled/smiled in amusement as they all walked out

After making sure that the door was locked - but also with some magic - the four made their way through the busy and crowded market

~To the library~

It was quiet in the library except for the occasional page turning or papers being shuffled

"Any luck?"

"No... You?"

Julian shook his head as he raked his gloved hand into his red locks while a tired sigh came out of his lips

- We've been here for an hour or two now... And still nothing... -


Said male hummed in response, tired eyes still glued onto the piece of paper before him

"I think it is better if we take a break and eat something... I can feel the headache coming"

"Mm... Alright... I guess a little break won't hurt anybody"

The taller male laid the paper on his desk while Eclipse closed the book that she was reading and placed it back to where she took it

After locking the door to the library the two started walking down the hallway, the rays of the sun seeping through the window while birds sang a smooth melody



The small female looked up at the male while said man looked down, ash-grey meeting amber

"To the market?"

"To the market"

(A/N: you guys do know that Julian is 6'4" right? Well, Eclipse is a foot smaller than him so... Yeah... She be a smol person XD)

~To the market~

After the long walk the two headed towards a café while people came in and out of said building with content or worried looks on their faces

Arrived to their destination, Julian immediately grabbed Eclipse's wrist and tugged her towards two unoccupied seats that were near the windows

Minutes pass by as the doctors waited for a waiter or waitress to take their order and - when Julian was about to lose his patience - then a waitress walked up to them with a smile on her tan-ish features

"Welcome! What would you like to order?"

"I would like some Earl Grey tea with a slice of chocolate cake"

"Peach tea please... Oh and a slice of your strawberry short cake thank you"

The blonde nodded as she jotted their order down onto a small notepad and ran to the counter

"... Peach tea?"

Eclipse nodded as she looked outside the window, her chin resting on the palm of her hand

"I wanted to try something new since I always order Black tea or Earl Grey... Plus, Nadia told me that peach tea is also delicious and sweet"

"Ah, I understand"

The smaller female nodded and when she was about to close her eyes, her attention went towards where the door was opened by a certain witch/magician


"Asra and the others are here"

Julian turned around as he looked behind him to see said trio and hummed, turning back to look at the female before him

"Would you like me to invite them?"


Me: cliffhanger! I know, I'm mean and this was short but hey... At least I updated, yeah? XD

Fang: don't let her smile fool you-GACK

Me: what did you say? *creepy smile*

Fang: n-nothing! *runs for his life*

Me: thought so... Anyway! Thank you for reading this short chapter and i hope you liked it!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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