Chapter 61 - Don't Know About Us

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Ch. 61 -





To say that fans were sad that Loula was over would be the understatement of the century. People were angry and kept blaming the boys' management and a bunch of other people. I steered clear of Twitter for an entire month because I just didn't want to see the fans fighting over it.

I had returned to my cousin's flat. She was pretty heartbroken about my situation and she was glad that I had Liam to cheer me up. I guess, in my cousin's terms, I was with Liam, but in a way, it didn't feel like it. We never kissed...because I wouldn't let him. The only time I'd let him hug me was when I was crying. And we never told each other that we loved each other.

Shayna had a pet name for Liam and I; Kiam. I told her to swear on her life not to put anything about Liam and I on Twitter because it wasn't real. Kiam was a fake relationship...not even a relationship.

I was sitting in my room on my bed playing the guitar while Liam was sitting on the floor.

"'re the only thing I know like the back of my hand. And I can't breathe without you, but I have to. Breathe without you but I have to," I sang.

"Kayla...didn't you hear what I said?" Liam asked.

I was so into playing the guitar and singing that I didn't realize that Liam was sitting in front of me on my bed.

"I'm sorry, Liam; I was distracted. What did you say?"

I continued to play the tune to the song I was singing on the guitar.

"Can you stop playing the guitar so you can hear me?"

I laid my guitar next to me and placed my hands in my lap.

"So what did you say, Liam?"

"I know we didn't want this to happen...but I can't stop what I feel. I love you Kayla."

The words just flowed right out of his mouth.

I tried to speak but he said, "You don't have to say it back because I know you're in love with Louis."

The mention of his name made my eyes fill with tears. It had been two months now since I had seen him last. Liam tells me how he is but that Louis isn't at the flat anymore. He lives with the one who shall not be named.

"Oh, Kayla. I'm sorry. I knew I shouldn't have brought his name up," Liam said as he pulled me into his arms and hugged me.

He then wiped away my tears like he did whenever this situation would happen. I sighed heavily when I couldn't cry anymore.

"Liam...I want to let you's not that I don't love you's just...I'm not sure yet," I said.

"I already told you, Kayla," he pushed my hair out of my face, "you don't have to say it back. I just wanted you to know what I felt and that I'll be here for you."

And to think this was one of the guys who mugged me two months ago. I guess a lot can change in a person when they're in love.

"Liam?" I asked when I placed myself back on the bed.

"Yeah, Kayla?"

"Can we thing?"

"What's that?"

I closed my eyes and leaned towards him. He apparently understood what I was asking for because I felt his lips on mine and then they were gone. I opened my eyes to see Liam just staring at me.

"I'm sorry, Kayla...I don't know what came over me," Liam apologized.

" don't have to be sorry...I wanted you to do it."

Liam looked at his hands and then back at me.

" wouldn't mind if we did it again?"

"Of course not."

Liam smiled at me and we both leaned in for the kiss. His hands were shaking as he lightly grabbed my face.

"'s alright," I whispered.

"I know...I'm just afraid."

"Of what?"

He let go of my face and put his hands on his knees.

"I just don't want to hurt you."

"It was just a kiss, Liam. How can a kiss hurt me?"

"That's not what I meant, Kayla."

What did he mean then?

"Then don't hurt me. It's that simple."

"I wish it was, Kayla."

"What are you talking about, Liam?"

"I know I already hurt you once...I don't want to do it again."


He brought his left hand to my face and rubbed my cheek. We sat there in silence until my door flew open and Kathryn said,

"Lunch is ready...that is if you'll even eat it, Kayla."


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--Ari Horan--

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