The Forbiddean Lands

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Two days later, I had almost forgotten about the three girls until I was sitting behind a tree and I heard their three voices singing in sync.

"Our own home, our own home, our own home..."As they walked over humming, I took a risk and began to follow, listening and watching as they continued their song.

"Father's hunting in the forest, mother's cooking in the home, we must go to fetch the water 'til the day that we are grown. 'Til we're grown, 'til we're grown, we must go to fetch the water, 'til the day that we are grown."I had followed them past the buildings, through a small forest, to a large stone with emerald green vines that covered a hidden entrance. At the last word, they pulled back the vines and revealed something I never would have expected.

A crystal clear sky with fluffy looking white clouds here and there hovered comfortably over a beautiful forest. The trees were tall and green, in the distance I could see majestic mountains with beautiful peaks and before the girls was a soft looking green field. The blond glanced over her shoulder, I ducked down before peaking again.

"Okay no one's looking. Time to bring out our real favorite tunes." Brown eyes smiles before pulling a ukulele from behind a tree and beginning to play. After a few moments of playing, the other two slow their dance moves as they start a different song, singing different parts.

Together: "She's resplendent, so confident. La Seine, la Seine, la Seine."

Blond: "I realize, I'm hypnotized..."

Unison: "La Seine, la Seine, la Seine."

Brunette, while reaching behind another tree: "I hear the moon, singing a tune..."

Unison: "La Seine, la seine, la seine."

Brown eyes: "Is she divine? Is it the wine?"

Unison: "La Seine, la Seine, la Seine." Pause. "I don't know don't know, so don't ask me why. That how we are, La Seine and I. (Repeat)" 

As they sang this line, they had pulled out a huge trunk and took from it two sleds. As they placed them down, I noticed we were atop a hill that sloped downwards. Blond and brown eyes got on one, while brunette got on another, they looked at each other mischievously.

Brown eyes: "Upon a bridge, my heart does beat..."

Blond: "Between the waves, we will be saved..."

Brunette: "The air we breathe. Can you believe? Learn to forgive..."

Unison: "Upon the bridge!"

And they pushed off, sliding down the hill as the do-do-doed the instrumental pause of the song. I hesitated before taking off, hiding in the foliage lining the hill's side. As we reach the bottom, they resume the song.

"That's how we are, La seine and I." They repeated the last line three more times after that one as they shouldered the sleds and ran off into the forest. I jumped up before following them.


A bit later, I found I was hopelessly lost. The forest so well lit and lovely looking was still so vast, I didn't know which way to turn. I was getting ready to give up hope when I stepped in a certain area, next thing I know I hanging upside down from a spring snare. I screamed, naturally, as I hung I was frightened, but it eased slightly as the three girls entered the clearing.

"See? I told you we were being followed. One of you owes me big time." The other two sighed at brown eyes' statement before looking back to me. "So, what do we have here?" Blondie asked, hands on her hips. I gulped before replying.

"M-my name's Melody." "Melody?" Brunette cut off. "As in daughter of Ariel and Eric? Damn, and I thought you were an old mermaid tale." She giggled. "Heh, get it? Tail?" "We get it Wendy." The other two said, rolling their eyes.

"Um, could you get me down? Please?" Blondie raised an eyebrow. "She doesn't seem very snotty." Reaching for the rope, she pulled at the knot which sent me falling to the dirt floor. I was slightly surprised when the brunette helped me up, she smiled warmly as she looked in my eyes.

"My name's Wendy." She pointed to brown eyes. "That's Shanti," the girl bobbed her head in a sweet, polite greeting, "and this is Alice." The blond smiled with a dainty curtsy. "So you want a tour of this place?" I looked to Wendy with a gaping mouth.

"You guys are gonna trust me? Just like that?" Alice's eyes hardened instantly. "We didn't say we trust you, just that we'd show you the place." And with that, she turned and strode off nose high and prideful. Wendy shook her head before advancing after her, Shanti took my hand with a gentle smile.

"Don't pay any mind to Alice, she really is quite sweet once you get to know her," I smiled in return. "Why are you guys giving me a tour of" "That's easy; you're around our age right?" "I guess." "That and no kid ever comes around here. Oh! Almost forgot, you don't know the name of this place do you?" A shake of my head.

"Then I welcome you Melody, to the non traditional Disney cartoon world. Or as the high and mighty like to call it; The Forbidden Lands."         

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