Family Feud

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  "Now then, Hinata, Neji, if you would..." Asuma said nodding at the two Hyuga.
  "Good luck, Hinata." Naruto said as they walked to the center of the training grounds.
  Pink dusted her cheeks as she took her stance.
  "Lady Hinata, it is fate that you will lose this battle. You will always lose against me, no matter what you do or how hard you train. You are nothing compared to me, how you are to be the heir of our clan is disgraceful, and if I had been born into the main branch there would be no need for you." Neji said glaring at Hinata. 
  "Your...w-words do not hurt me, cousin. I-I will do my best to win and that is all that matters." She replied.
  "Once again the rules are simple, this is a spar and there will be NO KILLING...we will interfere if it goes too far." Asuma said, his eyes looking towards Neji.
  Both voices rang out and the genin watched as their comrades eyes changed. It was a weird sight seeing as none of the genin were used to watching byakugan users battle. Hinata charged Neji, aiming to stop the chakra flow around his shoulders and was stopped by a hand catching her arm and stopping her chakra from flowing. She kicked out sending Neji into a nearby tree, her right arm now limp to her side a smirk playing on her face as Neji stood cradling his left arm.
She thought, realizing she had hit a chakra point where his hand resided.
  In anger Neji charged at Hinata catching her off guard leaving her with enough time to narrowly escape being hit. The two cousins faced one another and engaged in a heated taijutsu battle. Both Hyuga decide to change their tactics and begin trading Gentle Fist-style blows. ( This is a the trademark style of the Hyuga clan which causes internal injuries and focuses on closing all major chakra points in order to kill the enemy by over filling their system with chakra. ) The genin and sensei watch entranced, as the two Hyuga clan members battle, all eyes analyzing the potential of the two. Hinata managed to block a few attacks from Neji's onslaught, landing a few of her own before noticing her body was slowing down.
  "Kurenai-sensei?" A voice asked tearing everyone away from the fight.
  "Y-yes, Shino?"
"Is it just me, or has Hinata been slowing in her attacks lately. It's like she's moving at less than half the speed she started with." Shino muttered.
"So you've all finally noticed." Neji smirked looking towards Hinata.
"W-what do you mean?" She said, although she had an idea of what he was talking about.
  "Since the beginning of this match I've been closing off Hinata's chakra point. The only points I left open were those around her heart, unless you want me to kill her. I think you should call the match, Lady Hinata, your attacks are no good against me." Neji said, satisfied with the events taking place.
"HINATA! DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP! I know you're capable of winning but if you stop now you'll never find out." Naruto said catching the attention of everyone, including a surprised Neji.
  "What would a failure like you know about winning. I'm surprised you even made it out of the academy. We both know Hinata isn't capable of beating me, just as you aren't capable of becoming Hokage." Neji retorted looking to the blond.
"The fact that I even made it out of the academy should prove your fate is pointless. Nothing can control you, only YOU can decide your fate it's not predetermined."  Naruto yelled looking towards Hinata with a small smile.
  "Naruto-kun..."  she managed to say.
  "I know it's only a practice  match and you can choose whether to continue or not, but I just know you can do amazing things.  No one will think less of you  if you call the match, but next time aim to win and don't give up." Naruto said his eyes closed in  a smile.
"Asuma-sensei, I want to forfeit the rest of the match. I realize I can't continue fighting." Hinata said her body giving out on her before she began to fall.
  "I got you..." Naruto whispered as he gathered Hinata in his arms laying her against a tree.
  "Very well, Neji wins now for the next fight we have Naruto  and Sasuke." He said his eyes flitting over to where Naruto stood over an unconscious Hinata while Kurenai checked the  young girl.
  "She'll be fine Naruto, now you have a match to focus on."

  I was so caught with finals came home and started working I haven't been on Wattpad in almost a week or two. Sorry, I've already started Naruto and Sasuke's fight and I'm hoping to get it out this week, I'll also being writing a short Christmas special so be on the look out. Anyways happy holidays I love all of you and hope you're doing amazing. Until next time bye 🙋🙋🙋.


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