His Muse (Stiles/Reader)

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With the war coming to a close, the U.S. army was departing from Port of Le Havre, France and everyone couldn't have been any happier. There was going to be big changes in everyone's lives and some people were still trying to come to terms on how to first become a functioning civilian in society once again; after the horrors that everyone had seen, you personally thought that no one who served in the army could ever become a functioning member of society again. The end of the war brought so many positives to the world, yet the negatives almost outnumbered them.

While you stood next to your comrades on the edge of the port, you all listened to your Commanding Officer Davis deliver his farewell speech and reminding you all that you had and always will be a part of that darkest moment in history. He wished that you all continued to walk a path of greatness and that you all stay on it. It was a moving speech that really struck a chord deep within you.

After the speech, it was finally time to depart from France and carry on with your life. You followed your comrades back to the barracks to gather their things and stood to talk with them on the harbor.

"Well this is it," you softly spoke as you pushed a few loose strands of your (H/C) locks behind your ears. "This where we part ways..."

"Yup." Aiello said as he picked up his bags and gave you all a deep stare, "It was a pleasure serving beside all of you, especially you, (L/N). You had my back since Kasserine and I couldn't be anymore thankful."

You sent him a gentle smile as you nodded your head and held out your hand for you to shake, but instead he pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. He swayed with you a bit and hummed as you chuckled within his grasp. "Alright, alright, don't get all mushy on me."

The rest of the group laughed as Aiello released you and waited for the rest of the boys to say their goodbyes. Daniels pulled out the medallion that Zussman won from Aiello and handed it back to him. "Zussman wanted you to have it."

"Eh, you'll need it more than me, you got a kiddo now." Aiello gently refused to take it back and decided to let Daniels keep it. Daniels sarcastically thanked Aiello for the confidence, but Aiello just reassured him that he would do just fine. "I hope you all come to Queens and visit some time. I'll show around." Aiello threw out there as he hiked his bag up on his shoulder and slowly began to walk away.

"We'll definitely consider it, Aiello. Good luck." You told his as you semi-saluted him off.

"Gentlemen and (L/N)." And with that Aiello walked away and shouted off into the distance that Queens prodigal son had returned, earning a stifled chuckled from you and Daniels and Stiles.

"It's just the three of us now. Are you guys gonna be okay?" You asked them as they looked at you then each other. Stiles looked off deep in thought as he picked up his belongings.

"I gotta say goodbye to Zussman." Daniel told you two as he looked over your shoulder to see Pierson making his way over.

"I did that already, I'm planning on visiting him in Chicago, when he gets better." You stated as Daniels and Stiles just nodded. "You both should too."

"Oh I'm planning on it." Daniels said as he stood up straighter; Pierson just reached you all talking and Stiles picked up his belongings and saluted him before walking off. A kind smile found its way to your peach-stained lips as you followed Stiles' actions and saluted Pierson as well.



You gathered up your things and lightly refused to take up Daniels' offer to help you with your bags in a minute. You decided that you would try to get a word in with Stiles about something that had been on your mind for a while.

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