The Unexpected (Zussman/Reader)

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Requested By: Animejojo87

I'm back from the dead!

I'm so sorry that I had taken forever to get something out there, especially since I posted about the requests and then I just went dark. I started writing this one way before I just disappeared and then I came back to finish it, b/c I had another topic calling my interest to write. I know that you all are probably a little upset with me, because I never got to your requests, but I had some things to take care of and then I was going to start writing right when that tragedy had happened in Parkland, FL on Feb. 14th and I just couldn't after that. Even though I'm still very attached to that case, I am trying to distract myself with writing, so here I am, once again.

This one might suck (I'm sure it will) but I still hope you all enjoy it!



The battle for Marigny was proving to be getting more difficult and dangerous the longer it carried on. Your platoon was divided into so many groups that you were doubting a victory to come from this battle; everyone in the platoon was still trying to recover from the horrific storming of Normandy--so many lives were lost on the beach that when it was secure, whatever was left of the platoon was told to stand by while they sent in more soldiers from the states and England. Marigny was key to progressing towards the Rhine and you were certain that you would give everything you have to make it there.

Pierson had ordered you, Aiello, and Zussman to be the boots on the ground in the town square and disable the anti-aircraft guns that were slaughtering U.S. air support. He, Daniels, and Stiles would be providing cover from the church's belltower while you guys on the ground did the hard work. It sounded like a pretty good and thought out plan by Pierson at the time, but now, as you lie down behind a makeshift barricade, trying to stay out of the line of fire, you were hating him for even opening his mouth to just suggest anything.

"Stay down!" Aiello screamed at you and Zussman from across the town square; his screams were almost blocked out by the constant gunfire and firing of the anti-airship guns. He was lobbing grenades over the barricade like crazy, in all different directions.

Zussman lay to your left, his back pressed firmly against the barricade made out of sandbags, concrete, and barbed wire. His filthy, calloused hands had a death grip on his rifle while he tilted his head to look up at the belltower at the other half of your party.

"Goddamn it, it raining bullets down here! What the hell are they doing up there?" Zussman shouted towards you, nudging you in the arm with the butt of his rifle to look at the tower. You took a quick glance before returning your focus to the blanket of bullets flying above your helmet. Without thinking and relying on military instinct, the moment the gun fire stopped, you took it as an opportunity to return fire.

"Fire back! Fire back now!"

All three of you popped up from your covers and held down the triggers of your rifles with anger and fear coursing through your veins, mixing with the pure adrenaline of the moment. The krauts were falling one by one, some of them fell to you three on the ground and some of them fell from the snipers in the belltower. You were all raising hell and it was surprisingly working for you all.

The minute you all ran out of your clips, the heavy gunfire from the krauts had resumed and you three were forced to duck down behind the deteriorating barricades. You only had two more guns to disable and they weren't far from your location; it was time to make a move.

"We gotta find new cover before this one gives. I say we advance towards the that gun and take that one out before we lose another airship," You spoke to the two men beside you while trying to signal the snipers in the belltower to show them your path. "If we stay here and do nothing, we'll die; if we move and die, well, at least we went down trying."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2018 ⏰

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