Better Late than Never (Aiello/Pregnant!Reader)

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It had been twelve weeks since the war against Germany had ended and you hadn't heard a single word from you soon-to-be husband, Frank. The last time you heard from him was four months ago when he was about to breach Germany with the rest of his platoon; in his letter he said that they would most likely be home before fall started, but it was already the middle of September and you kept hearing all over the radio stations that the war was over and that most of the troops have returned home. Frank was never the one to leave you hanging, he always got back to you as soon as possible, but there hadn't been a word and his silence deeply worried you.

"Oh, there you are, I was looking all over the house for you." Frank's mother called to you as you sat on the back porch swaddled in a big blanket that you hand-knitted herself for you. You craned your neck to look at her and flash her a small kind smile before turning back to watch the maple trees in the small backyard shed their leaves. Without saying another word, his mother came out of the house with a small mug and sat beside you.

"I called the harbor again this morning, they said that their last ship filled with vets a couple days ago from France." She told you gently as you just hummed in response, trying not to let your hormones take control of how you were feeling. "Honey, I know he's still alive, he's gotta be, he wouldn't leave you and his kid all alone, I know that for a fact."

You just shut your eyes for a moment and brought your warm hands to cradle and rub your swollen belly. Your own touch on your abdomen gave you goosebumps as the cool fall air crept under the blanket and touched your skin. Your baby was kicking your hand gently as you rubbed soothing circles. A small smile tugged on the corners of your mouth as you thought of the little life you and your love had created.

"I know, I just... I'm trying to keep hope that he is still out there, making his way home to us right now, but it's dwindling..." You gasped as you felt yourself getting teary-eyed. His mother set her cup down and immediately moved closer to you and pulled your head close to her chest, trying to sooth you the way she would do Frank when he was a boy. "It's just so hard... I haven't heard from him for over a two months and all I can think about is how he'll make it back to us: in a casket or walking and breathing?"

His mother hushed you and told you that you were just speaking nonsense. You curled into her side as best as you could with your belly in between each other. She hummed to a song that conforted you all the other days you were missing Frank while she rubbed her thumb across your hand. She was your second mother and you couldn't have been any more thankful to have her as your mother-in-law.

"Come on, let's go inside and the sun's starting to set and the winds are picking up." She told you softly as she helped you stand up and make your way back inside. The warm air of the house hit you like a brick wall and you had to take a second at the kitchen table next to Frank's Nonna. She was reading the paper when you came in; she was rubbing her hip while sipping her evening tea.

"Hey, Nonna, is it your hip again? Fall's coming fast, isn't it?" You made small conversation with her as she looked up from the paper to take in your appearance.

"You're getting so big, When are you due again? Oh wait, don't tell me..." She exclaimed as she stood up from the table and came over to touch your belly. You sat in the chair as she ran her smooth hands over your warm belly like she was a gypsy telling your fortune. You smiled a bit as your baby continued to kick at her great-grandmother's hands. "Oh, you're gonna be due probably within the next couple of weeks, are coming very close to nine months?"

You nodded your head as you turned your head to look out the window, "I hope not, I'm doing my very best to hold out until Frank get's home; I don't want him to miss the birth of his first child." You chuckled but his Nonna could tell that there was tremendous sadness behind it.

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