Together (Zussman/Reader)

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Requested by: amazingcarlie69


Your calloused fingertips slowly traced over the raised lettering of Zussman's dog tag around your neck as you sat quietly in the back of the four-by-four next to Daniels and Pierson. You were doing your very best to stay calm and collected as you and your comrades were making your last trip deep into Germany to liberate the remaining concentration camps; after crossing the Rhine, the war was already set on a path to end, and now that it was, you and your platoon were sent to clean up the mess that the Germans made.

While sitting in the back of the four-by-four with your friends, you noticed that Daniels was sneaking quick glances your way, watching the tiny moves you made while trying not to be obvious; he had been doing that since you all got in the truck, and it didn't annoy you then, but it was now. A heavy sigh escaped your lips and you quickly turned your head in his direction right when he glanced at you and gave his a dagger-like stare.

"What is it? You keep looking at me."

Daniels was a bit taken back at your slightly hostility, but he didn't feel offended by it. He knew that you were upset with him, but he didn't once try to calm the waters between you two, because he knew that it was impossible. Guilt and sadness was evident in his dim blue eyes as he stared at you; his mouth opened slightly agape, but no words made their way out.

"You got my damn attention if you were looking for it. What is it?" You spat at him, the anger inside you was bubbling over and you were doing your best to put a lid over it before you blew a fuse. The rest of the men in the car got quiet with their small conversation and didn't speak another word, afraid that if they tried to butt into your forced conversation with Daniels that they would feel your wrath as well.

"I was trying to tell you that we're gonna find him." Daniels spoke lowly as his gaze veered off to look at the deserted German Guard post that you were passing by; he refused to meet your gaze, he heard the poison deep within your tone and he truly believed that if he met your gaze he'd drop dead right then and there. "I know I told you those words before, but I--"

"I don't wanna hear another damn word leave your mouth, you hear me? It was your fault, and yours alone, that brought us to where we are now." You fully turned to face him in the car, your back was pressing up against Pierson's side as he was watching you carefully, seeing the anger in your eyes get bigger.

"Goddamnit (L/N), lay off him, will ya? He ain't done nothing wrong to you since Zussman went missing, so stop treating him like shit and make amends with him so you can both find Zussman." Aiello raised his voice from the passenger seat of the truck. He was now turned halfway around in his seat, looking you dead in your face with strict intentions.

You stopped talking and slowly looked at Aiello with softening eyes. Your fist was clenched around Zussman's dog tag, yet, your face showed no signs of retaliating. You looked down at your boots before looking at Daniels and mumbling a bland sorry before returning to your original position in the truck besides him and Pierson. Aiello looked at you a minute longer and then returned to his position in the passenger seat.

You and Zussman had became an official couple shortly after you both completed basic training. He was constantly pursuing you, impressing you with his witty charm and helpfulness. You were going to drop out of basic training the night you meet Zussman, but he saw you and immediately distracted you from what you were aiming to do and that's how you got stuck with him in the army. You two worked exceptionally well together and he saved you many times from the suggestive comments in camp while you saved him from many incidents on the battlefield where he could've been taken down with a single bullet. You two made a good pair and you were sure that nothing could break you apart.

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