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NOTE: Okay so I'm from the USA and I don't want to like pretend everyone's from the UK and get a bunch of words wrong and I don't want to be stereotypical so basically everyone's going to be from the US and yeah even Zayn. Anyways enjoy :)

Chapter Two

When I got home, all I could think about was Zayn and how unusual. He was so quiet and yet at the same time he could get so angry merely by exchanging eye contact. He was in two of my classes. British Literature, of course, and Science. He didn't do much in Science so everything was okay with Ms. Holden.

As usual I didn't have much homework on the first day. The homework would be piled up on my desk most likely next week.

As a Senior, you only have to take four classes, but I really wanted to impress everyone so I took six. I only had one free period when most had two. Plus, my parents would never let me go with minimum. We have a family of overachievers, even my brother Max.

Max is attending Stanford, which is extremely good. My parents don't know this, but he suffers from severe depression due to all the stress from our parents, and the school, to do well. Truthfully, I do too, but it isn't as severe. He has tried killing himself. I only self harm. It's still bad, but not as bad as Max.


Once again woken up by my shitty alarm clock, I drag myself out of bed and get ready for another day at hell. I really hated school, but who doesn't hate it.

I head to British Literature and try to think of a way to try to ignore Zayn being there. This is so odd to admit, but he smelled really good. Weird, I know.

I sat down in my seat, and as usual I was the first one in the class. Typical me. Soon the class starts to fill in with students and Zayn comes in and plops his ass right in the chair next to mine.

He just sits there awkwardly and I start to feel bad. Should I make conversation with him? Or at least try?

"Hey." I say to him.

"What do you want." He talks without even tilting his head my direction.

"I just said a simple hey. Seriously you need to be a little more friendly."

"I don't need friends."

I huff. "Sure you do. You need friends to be happy, and it looks to me that you're not the happiest person in the world." He whips his head around to face me. His eyes stare at mine angrily. Ha fuck.

"You think you know me?!" He yells in my face. "Just because I have tattoos and I don't talk does not fucking mean I'm not happy. It just means I don't want anyone in my business. Oh hey, like you. Now shut your mouth and don't talk to me." He turns back and I see Mr. Benson walking toward Zayn.

"Zayn Malik. In my class you do not use cuss words. Understand young man?"

Zayn shrugs. "It's not like anyone doesn't know what they means. It's in the stupid books you'll assign us to read, so why can't I say them out loud? Reading is practically the same as speaking out loud. Either way you process what the person said, and either way you react. I don't see why I can't say the words I want to say freely. I mean, we are in a free country. Aren't we?" Damn.

Mr. Benson grunts angrily at Zayn. "Well there is one big thing you're missing Mr. Malik. When you read, only you know what's happening. When you talk, everyone can hear you. The way you were talking to Julia was not mannerly at all. She was just trying to get you to say a few words and maybe make some friends. In my opinion that would be a good idea. You know what, for every project you're going to work with Julia. You'll learn from her, like I wanted you to before." What the fuck no.

"Excuse me Mr. Benson, but I don't want to be with Julia!" He practically yells.

"Well I'm sorry Zayn but this is what I've decided and there is nothing you can change about that. Julia is that okay with you?" He looks at me and I nod my head even though I didn't want to. In the long run it could eventually benefit Zayn, but for me I get nothing. We might become friends but for sure I didn't want to stay friends if we did.

"Fuck you." Zayn whispered to me after Mr. Benson walked to his desk.

"No thanks." I said back. I saw Zayn roll his eyes.

"Not that way."

"Well you didn't say what way. Now shut up the teacher's talking." I wanted to pay attention.

"So typical of a straight A student like you. Be a little bad sometimes. It's not the most fun being good all the time. Boring and the same old thing every day." He sighed.

"Well I'm not the kind of girl that likes craziness. Calm peace of quiet it what I like." If only he knew half of the things I've done.

bad & good // zjmWhere stories live. Discover now