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Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday all went by quickly with the same naughty Zayn in British Literature and the same quiet Zayn in Science.

It was really odd to see the two different sides of him in both classes. I think it was because there were so little people in British Literature and so many in Science. He acted differently in crowds than in small groups of people. I've even noticed that at lunch. He would act crazy around the new friends that he found and were all addicted to drugs, but in the lunchroom while he was getting lunch, he would barely say a "thank you" to the lunch lady.


My phone buzzed and I picked it up to see a text from my friend Abby.

Hey Julia. I'm bored wanna go to the park.

Sure. Now? I reply.

Yes. Come to the purple park btw. I think I saw Zayn.

The purple park is in a very poor area with trailer homes and families with nearly zero money. Even though Zayn has been quite rude to me lately, I did feel bad for him. Usually teens who live here are extremely depressed and addicted to cocaine and other dangerous drugs. They were also very uneducated. They went to the same school but they never paid attention to any of the classes. Somehow Zayn got into the advanced class so obviously he wasn't the stereotypical dumb ass guy who lives there. I didn't know about how he felt about life, so he may be depressed. No one knows.

The thing is, I never like going there, but I have many friends that live there. My friends there are the friends that no one knows I have. It's my little group of secret friends. We party hard and do many things that no one thought I was capable of. If anyone found out what I did, I would be doomed.

Abby and I decided to go on the swings and talk. She brought up Zayn.

"What do you think about Zayn?" She asked.

"I don't honestly know. He's my British Literature and Science class and he's two totally different people in them. In English, he's a complete ass and he always talks back to the teacher while in Science he's the most quiet person I know." I sighed. "What about you?"

"I think he's hot and I want to fuck him." Typical Abby response. She burst out laughing and I laughed along with her.

"He smells good." I said quietly but she heard.

"Julia!" She giggled. "You always notice the smells how interesting." It was true.

Every guy I've ever liked, I would always notice how they smelled. If they smelled nice then I would keep falling for them. If they smelled like absolute shit then I would drop my feelings for them right away. It was a little odd but it was me.

After giggling for about two minuets I saw the boy that we were just talking about come out of what looked like the shittiest trailer I've ever seen. It was scratched up and the windows were broken. What did he do when it rained?

I saw him and I waved. His eyes widened and tried to hide himself but it failed since Abby and I had already spotted him. He stood there awkwardly and I saw his shoulders lift and fall in a sigh.

"Hey Zayn come here!" I yelled and motioned him to come over.

He walked over to us and slouched and whispered. "What the fuck are you guys doing." Abby was taken aback but I was used to his rude comments.

"We're just hanging around. Why are you so mad?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

He looked around. "I don't like anyone knowing where I live okay. It's the shittiest and dirtiest place in town and even though I have the look I still don't like judgment." Of course. He was worried of getting made fun of.

"Zayn, we won't tell anyone and it's fine if you live here. It's a little dumpy but it's not that bad. There's nothing to be ashamed of." I reassured him.

He huffed. "Julia you live in the rich part of town. You guys are the ones who tell us we're the fuck ups in this place. Don't you dare tell me there's nothing to be ashamed of." I was shocked. Yes, where I live is pretty rich and most of the families are snobby, but I never knew what they did. I would never call them a fuck up, because truly I'm the one who's fucked up.

"Zayn. I know that the families who live in my area of town are dicks, but not everyone is. I'm not that type of person. My family, yes they are the judging kind but me, I'm different from my family. I'm different from all the families there." I looked him in the eyes and talked in genuine voice to make sure he understood. His eyes glistened a little and it looked beautiful. His eyes were the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen. They were big and brown and his eyelashes were quite long. Maybe even longer than mine.

When I was gazing into those eyes, I heard gunshots. They were extremely close. Almost too close... I heard a scream and immediately recognized it as Abby's. I looked over and saw Abby laying on the ground with a blood trickling from the gunshot wound on her hip. I shrieked, and my vision blurred with tears.

NOTE: Hey guys so yeah sorry for not updating. I had lots of finals to study for and that took up a lot of time. Summer vacation started yesterday and I can totally write more now! :D I am going to Florida very soon and we'll be there for about two weeks. I do have access to a computer but my mom needs to finish some work stuff but I'll try to update. Thanks guys for reading! Love you lots!

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