Chapter Eleven

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It was the day after Sophie's birthday. Sophie was now officially sixteen years old. She didn't feel all that different though.

Grady and Edaline had gotten Sophie a ton of gifts, one of them being a diary. It was a human kind, one with a lock and key, and had "secret" printed on top. Sophie hated writing diary entries as a little kid, but Sophie thought that the idea sounded interesting now. She was older and was bound to have more insights than when she was a little kid. She opened it to the first page and smoothed it out while grabbing a pen with her other hand.

She wrote the date and thought about everything that had happened the day before.

February 7

Dear Diary,

How is it possible for life to be so complicated?

I mean, I was a twelve-year-old girl. I can't even say I was normal because I wasn't. I was different from my family, and I could hear other people's thoughts. They were always screaming in my head. One day, a mysterious, but hot, boy comes to take me away to a world of elves. And it turns out, I'm one too. And elves aren't Santa's Little Helpers.

For a while, things sucked. I was forced to leave my family, and I only knew Fitz, the cute elf who was a little bit scary at times. I met his parents and his rather rude sister, who is now one of my best friends. I met other friends too, like Dex, Tam, Linh, and Keefe. The problem is, we kept running into bad people. I won't go into that.

Finally, we came to be here. All in our teens, all amazing elves that are friends till the end. It's just that now, life with everyone else is complicated. The Council is developing our Matchmaker Scrolls PERSONALLY. I can't believe it. Nothing in my life will ever be normal, not even as an elf.

And now, my crush is dating someone else. I really really really like him. I cannot admit that to anyone except here. I really like him, and every time I see him with Linh or any other girl, I get this pain in my heart that it isn't me. I don't even get jealous. I just have this pain that makes me blush to think about. Why can't he like me? I mean, he is so hot and nice and dashing and amazing and just wonderful. I am not that, so honestly I get it, but still. But I really do like him. Maybe I'm with Linh. Maybe I love him.

And I am dating Keefe. I am so stupid. Why would I pick Keefe? Fitz had me and I didn't know what to do so I just blurted out that I liked Keefe. Why? Now, I have to say, Keefe is awesome. But I don't want to date him! I know more about Keefe than anyone, I have to say. I've seen his funny side and his deep side. But I am not his type and he is not mine. But honestly, he really does have a crush on me and that is awesome but it shouldn't make me have to decide. And all of this has made me lose my best friend, my one friend.

Biana left me. She likes Keefe, but he sister-zoned her and she just doesn't get it! I feel bad for her. I totally understand how she feels. I suppose only the boys win in this situation. Except Dex and Tam. Then again, I see Biana with either of them, but of course, she'll never give up Keefe.

More later.

Sophie was enjoying the writing. She was really able to let out her feelings. She hid her diary underneath her mattress and put the key inside of her love box which was full of jewelry she never wore.

She heard Edaline calling her, so she ran downstairs. Edaline looked worried and Sophie was about to ask what was wrong when all twelve Councillors stepped in. Sophie sucked in a breath. They were holding scrolls.

Councillor Emery asked Sophie, "Please go call your little friends and tell them to get here now. This is important."

Sophie wondered why they couldn't just do it themselves, but she ran upstairs and called her friends using her Imparter. All of them promised to be there as soon as they could.

She walked back downstairs. After a while, everyone was there. Sophie was glad because all of that waiting had made her impatient and nervous.

Councillor Emery spoke up. "To Miss Sophie Foster, your Official Matchmaker Scroll by Order of the Council and Elves, we hereby present you with it. All fifty names are on there, and we hope you find your match here. Remember, you can request more scrolls, but there is a much smaller limit than normal." Of course, Sophie remembered that. She turned to her friends.

"I won't open it yet." Everyone nodded.

"To Mr. Fitz Vacker, your Official Matchmaker Scroll by Order of the Council and Elves, we hereby present you with it."

Fitz cautiously took the scroll, and, like Sophie, didn't open it.

This process went on until Keefe, Dex, Biana, Linh, and Tam had their scrolls and were holding it in their hands. The Council stood. "We will leave you in privacy to discuss this. Please be aware that all of you will not be on each other's scrolls, but we hope to see you all matched by tonight. If you wish to be matched otherwise, you have until tomorrow afternoon to see us. Thank you and we bid you all well." The Council glittered away, leaving Sophie and her friends holding their scrolls in their hands.

Sophie said, "Should we open it?"

Fitz answered, "I guess we have to." Sophie grabbed her scroll. But no one wanted to open it first.

"Together." Sophie took a deep breath. "Three, two, one!"

Everyone pulled off the ribbons that were tied around it. There were three sheets of paper. The first was just stating what the Council had said, and the next two had twenty-five names each.

Sophie didn't want to look at her number one. She didn't want to look at any of them. So she stole a glance at her number fifty. 'Magnus Heks'. Stina's cousin's brother, whom they had met at a family reunion for all elves. Sophie had liked the guy, but she couldn't imagine being related to a Heks. Even by marriage.

Ew, why was she thinking about marriage already? She was only sixteen!

"Guys, who are your number fifties?"

Everyone looked up. Fitz cleared his throat. "Marella."

Sophie looked at Fitz. "Wow. I didn't think she would have made it on there."

Keefe said, "Linh." Fitz looked slightly jealous in Sophie's point of view but she shoved the emotion away before Keefe could comment. Keefe shrugged. "Have you guys even looked at your number ones yet?" Everyone shook their head. Sophie wasn't the only coward with a lot of patience. Keefe shook his head as well.

Linh said, "My number fifty is someone I don't know and I don't even want to try pronouncing his name."

Tam said, "My number fifty is Sophie." Sophie smiled at him. He gave a small wave back, but everyone in the room could tell that he only had eyes for Biana.

Biana smiled and tried to keep her voice even. "My number fifty is Keefe." Sophie could tell how much it hurt her to say it. How must it feel? Keefe was looking appalled, and Biana was about to burst into tears. But she kept herself composed. Sophie didn't know how she did it.

Dex said, "My number fifty was...ugh...Stina." Sophie groaned and Keefe fake vomited.

Sophie said, "My number fifty was Magnus Heks."

Everyone groaned again.

Keefe lightened the mood. "I'm glad to see that you weren't my number fifty, Foster. I still would have picked you, but still. That would just suck." Sophie blushed. Her 'boyfriend' had no shame.

Who do you think is everyone's number one??? Hope you liked this chapter and sorry for the cliffhanger. I will try to update tomorrow or the day after! Please leave a nice review, and if it's only about how mean I am to leave a cliffhanger, I'm sorry, but please don't review. If you want to include that, fine, but you have to say something, anything, else. I do not mean to be demanding. It's just that I can't respond in the next chapter if it has basically nothing :)

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