Chapter Sixteen

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Sophie prayed desperately that Fitz had left the house, perhaps in a fit of wild anger. Leaving would prolong the conversation that was bound to come along and would also prolong the apology. Leaving would give him a chance to think it over and cool off, as well as help Sophie sort out everything that happened and what she should say. But no, it was too good to be true: Fitz was right there as Sophie left the room, looking hurt and confused. He was sitting on the bottom stair and his elbows were on his knees and his palms were cupped his face in a very unmanly way.

He didn't look up as Sophie opened her door. She watched him for a while, as he sat there staring into space, doing absolutely nothing other than thinking. She took a deep breath and thought over the long speech she had tried to rehearse. Unlike old times, she was actually going to say this and not be sidetracked because this, this was important. She cautiously stepped out of her bedroom and closed the door gently. Fitz still didn't seem to hear, unless he was deliberately ignoring her, in which case, she should probably go back inside...

No, she was not backing out of this. Her whole relationship, future marriage, and friendship with this boy was on the line! She needed to do this. Sophie thought, Nothing could go wrong. Obviously I was an idiot, but he'll understand, right?

Another part of her brain scoffed at her angel side. Excuse me? Of course he's not going to understand. You were a big jerk and he's never going to forgive you.

Yet another evil, sick, warped part of her brain responded. Don't worry. You've still got Keefe if you lose him.

Sophie felt ashamed at her brain even daring to think that thought. But it was true.

Sophie sighed. She felt as if there were angels, demons, and plain common sense all relying on her to fix this, like in those movies where the actors talked to their own imaginary figures. She calmed herself down as best as she could by taking deep breaths and closing her eyes and imagining the good that could come out of this. Not that there was a lot...

Sophie shook her head. After pulling out some eyelashes, she walked down the stairs, slowly... slowly... one step at a time.

All too soon, she was at the third to last step. Fitz was ignoring her, she had decided, because he must've heard her footsteps by now. She took another deep breath and took the last two steps. She sat down beside him, not too close, but not too far. Just the amount of space a friend would have with another friend.

He looked up. He pretended to notice her for the first time, but his acting was terrible. Finally, he gave up. "What do you want, Sophie?"

Sophie cringed. His tone was cold and sharp. She cleared her throat, hoping she wouldn't stumble over her words. "I just wanted to say something." She did.

Fitz looked at Sophie, fixing her with an almost-glare—but no, Fitz never glared— his teal eyes darkening, if that was even possible. "Well then, spit it out. Please hurry up. You've interrupted my thoughts. I just want to be alone." Sophie nodded and he had a second of shame before it left. "Never mind. Just say what you want to say. Please." Sophie winced and dove right in.

"Fitz, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for what I did. I know that it was wrong and incredibly stupid—"

Fitz mumbled, "Not to mention rude."

Sophie sighed, but said nothing back to him about it. It was rude. She continued, "But I just wanted to say sorry and I hope you'll forgive me."

Fitz looked at her. "Forgive you? For what? For going back on your word about wanting to be with me, for running away from me after you kissed me—"

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