Chapter Fourteen

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Biana was shocked, a frozen statue. She had had no idea that Tam had liked her. Of course, Sophie and Linh had both known and were waiting for her reaction, and quite possibly the boys had too. Biana had always been too in love with Keefe to notice other people, other guys. She had been oblivious to everyone but Keefe. And now, this revelation had actually shocked her so that she couldn't move.

She realized that everyone was looking at her and she knew she had to say something. "Tam... I... I don't know what to say." Biana said hopelessly, her voice cracking. "I mean, I didn't know! I never knew you thought of me in that way. Like... that." She looked down at her feet for a moment, before drawing her eyes back up to look at the boy in front of her.

Tam was blushing now, and he looked odd. He never blushed and it made his pale skin stand out even more. 

Biana took a deep breath, ready to ask the question that she needed to know. "How long?" Biana asked.

"Since forever. The first day I met you. Dex and Fitz were so wonderstruck by my sister..." Sophie looked at the two now-blushing boys, who both stared down at their feet. Tam went on. "And I was so wonderstruck by you. You were defiant, determined, smart. Pretty. But. No. It wasn't just your looks. Your beauty isn't all that mattered. I'm not shallow, you know. I like you for you. Your personality and your brains and your soul..." He trailed off, realizing how that made him sound. "I mean, Fitz was always acting like the leader of this group... but you actually stood up for yourself and made your own place without anyone's help. You were important and I admire that about you." He smiled at her then, not sure how she was going to react.

Everyone was watching them two, but Tam and Biana ignored them all and acted like they were the only ones there.

Biana said brokenly, "But Tam... you never said anything to me."

He scoffed. "How could I, when you were so caught up with Keefe Sencen? The handsome funny guy who was definitely a big man among the ladies. He was always the object of your attention. Who am I to compete with him?" Keefe smiled and beat his chest, trying to ease the tension that was palpable in the room, but everyone ignored him. He stopped and continued to listen to a rather private conversation, ashamed.

Tam threw up his hands. "I was dropping hints left and right, not sure if you ever noticed... I would always stand up for you and try to partner with you when we played games... I always gave you everything. All my attention, but I don't think you ever noticed. I don't blame you, Biana." By now, Sophie felt uncomfortable for intruding on this conversation, but she couldn't move from her spot. Biana looked at Tam.

"All my life, I've loved someone else." Keefe blushed and Biana looked away from him. "I never took the time to notice other people, especially other men. Boys. Guys. I don't know. I always thought I knew who I wanted to live with and that I would die alone if I didn't get him." Keefe cleared his throat. "But now, I realize that I was being stupid. I know now that there are other people who might actually care for me. Like that. And even if it's not Keefe, I should be grateful." She sighed. "That sounded horrible. What I mean to say is... I'm so sorry, Tam. I should have been a better friend."

"What are you trying to say?" Tam asked confusedly. Biana sighed.

"I really don't know, but I think I want you to be my Match if you want me." She whispered the last words but everyone still heard them.

Tam looked shocked. He closed his mouth, then opened it, then closed it again. He moved his arms around wildly but didn't say anything. Finally, he said, "Yes, Biana. I will always love you. You will be my Match." They hugged and then Tam's lips found hers. Tam looked so happy and Biana's eyes were shining. Then they walked away together to the garden to just be alone and revel in their new-found love.

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