3. The Cookies

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After admitting to breaking her phone, Val had felt depressed. Her mother had scolded her for breaking it and decided she would have to wait until Christmas Day to earn a new phone. It didn't help that her annoying sister had to add in how 'using her computer was probably just as good as her phone.' Yeah, because she could totally carry her laptop everywhere. Good thinking, sis.

She depressingly stared up at the ceiling, limbs spread out around her as she sighed. "So this is what death feels like. Boring and irritating." She decided she would give another look outside, since there was nothing else to do.

In all honesty, Val didn't hate the outdoors. In fact, she used to love them; going outside to sit under trees and write, taking pictures of the scenery and drawing in her favorite characters, and, most importantly, her friends. There were tons of girls around her neighborhood, but she never found herself attracted to any of them. A lot of their personalities sucked, and the others were just assholes. There were the guys too, of course, but despite claiming to be bisexual, she felt a stronger connection to females. Which is a small, but still a reason, why she despised her neighbors.

Phineas and Ferb Flynn-Fletcher.

She didn't mind them at first, since they were just kids her age that were probably forced to move here too. It was what happened later. How they messed up everything. How their inventions were always ruining buildings and possibly lives, yet disappeared as quickly as they came.

Val had been quick to assume they boys were anything but trustworthy after school never came. Along with September. Or October. Or November.

The months did pass, but the seasons never went with them. It was constantly hot outside, and you couldn't go outside in winter without melting.

Which is why Val never did anymore.

As Val pulled up a chair to the window, she began opening the shutters again, placing it a few feet away from the wall so she could fit her legs. She took a seat and began to admire the beauty of the day. Just because it was abnormal didn't mean it couldn't be pretty.

Green grass, clear blue water, black hair, bright-

Black hair??

Val blinked a few times and adjusted her sight to the girl walking on the sidewalk. It had been the same girl from yesterday, but she seemed much different. For starters, she was now a vibrant shade of orange instead of pink, a light yellow sash hanging around her arms and covered back to front in badges, and white knee high socks with red shoes. There were still familiar elements to her, though- her dark, sapphire eyes, her sleek, black hair hung over her shoulders, and, what Val found most noticable, a bright red bow on the front of her beanie.

Feeling her heart turn and drop in her chest, she marveled at the beauty of this girl, setting her head on her hand. 'I've never felt this way before. Oh God, yes I have. I think I'm going to throw up.' The butterflies in her stomach caused her to reel over in slight pain, glancing at her one more time before running downstairs to take medicine. As she did, she could hear the doorbell ring. She slowly turned her head to the front door, realizing there was no way she could walk off from the door without being noticed. Smoothing back her hair and clearing her throat, she opened the door quickly, crossing her arms and closing her eyes confidently. "We don't want any of your products, and we don't want to hear about Jesus."

"I can promise you I'm not a businessman, or a Jehovah's Witness." Instead of expecting a gruff, male voice, Valencia was met with an innocent giggle, opening her eyes and realizing it was the girl. She felt her stomach clench in nervousness and embarrassment as she flushed a bright red. "I-I'm sorry, I just assumed-"

The girl shook her head, smiling softly. "No, please, it's okay. You're actually kind of funny." She held out her hand in a friendly gesture. "I'm Isabella Garcia-Shapiro. I actually live a few houses down. I was wondering if you had the time to buy any cookies?"

Val shyly took her hand and shook it, feeling almost angry at how rough her hands were in comparison to her soft ones. "I- uh.. I'm Val. I mean, my real name is Valencia, so you can call me whatever!" She corrected herself, mentally facepalming for her stammering. "I like that name. Val, it's nice to meet you!" Val nodded her head and patted at her pockets, pulling out a ten. "How much would this pay for?"

"Two boxes, you can pick whatever." Grabbing two boxes of thin mints, Val paid her the dollar. "Thanks for helping!" Isabella smiled and waved, beginning to walk away. Val went to close the door but was stopped by her voice. "Wait!" She peered out the door and glanced at the girl. "I never see you out here, you should come out more often! I'm always out, so you can find me whenever! Bye, Val!!" Valencia closed the door, a pink tinge rising to her face as she smiled to herself.

'Maybe I will do that.'

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