4. The Possibilities

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After the meeting Val couldn't get her mind off of Isabella. Everytime she thought, spoke, or basically did anything, it would somewhat remind her of the sweet girl.

After what she said, Val was mentally fighting with herself. Despite the possible dangers of the outdoors, she couldn't stop thinking about Isabella. Where did she go everyday? Why want to hang out with her? What about Phineas and Ferb? What if they're connected?

As the possibilities ran through her mind, she heard the doorbell ring downstairs, causing her to jump. Looking out her window and noticing the bright pink bow, she quickly fixed herself up and walked downstairs, taking a deep breath before opening the door.

"Hi, Val!" Isabella cheerily waved, smile brightening once meeting eyes with Val's brown ones. Val awkwardly smiled and waved, nodding. "Hi, Isabella."

"So, I was feeling particularly bored today, and really wanted someone to come with me. Want to see something really cool?

"All you have to do is come outside."

A really short filler chapter because I'm bored and I wanted to leave on a cliffhanger.
I would try ten times harder on this book, but at first it was supposed to be a shitpost and I want to keep it running for FreakishlyWeirdLoser, so I hope this terrible chapter is enough for tonight ^^'

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