Normal until...

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Lilia's POV:

I woke up early to the smell of pancakes. I closed my eyes and inhaled. Perfect! They smelled so good my I started to drool. 

I woke up and walked downstairs. Noah, Sammy, and Carter were already at the table eating. Noah had eggs, Sammy was eating the pancakes along with a side of bacon, and Carter had some cereal. I grabbed a serving of pancakes and slid in next to Carter. 

"Hey Lily!"Noah said smiling. I smiled back. 

"Morning Noah!" I said happily. "What are the plans for today?" 

"Nothing much. I was thing about talking Anthony and Carter to the library. Maybe go shopping. Maybe Peter will be nice enough to take Samuel to his football game." Noah said.

"So, could I go for a walk around town? It's such a beautiful day and I haven't been out for a while." I asked sweetly.

"Fine with me." Noah said. It was perfect! 

I quickly finished my pancakes and went to get dressed. I put on a plain white top and a pink scarf along with a kneel length floral skirt. Then to top it all of I curled my hair and slipped in a light pink headband.

I kissed Noah bye and left. It was so beautiful outside. I walked to the music store which is my favorite place. I looked around for a little while then bought a new pick, some rosin, cork grease, and a new Piano book. I was a big music nerd.

After that I headed down to my favorite coffee shop to get some hot coco. I know it's weird but I can't stand coffee but they have the best hot coco in the world! 

Once I had my steamy chocolate drink I decided to go to the park. It was a nice day and the library was on the way. Maybe I could check out a book then head to the park. When I arrived at the library Noah, Anthony, Samuel, and Carter were there. I decided to sneak up on Carter.

I slowly crept up behind him then jumped on his back and covered his eyes. He smiled obviously knowing who I was.

"Get down Lilia." Carter said smiling. I got down and then he hugged me.

"What are you up to?" Anthony asked. 

"Well, I went to the music store and Carmela's coffee. I was just going to pick up a book then head to the park." I said. I never lied to my brothers. Yes, they were overprotective but as long as I was honest, they trusted me.

"Well, be careful. I heard there was a wreck on Howler St." Carter said. I nodded. Howler St. was right next to the park but as long as I took my normal rout I was safe.

After a few more minutes of talking they went home and I went to the teen section. I picked up a book and went to the check out. A nice old lady with pink hair helped me check out. I talked with her for a minute then I was on my way to the park.

When I arrived there was almost no one there. I guessed it was because of the crash. I went over to my favorite tree and sat down. I started reading and was almost immediately attached. It was so good! 

Once I was almost done with chapter 4 I saw a group of men walk by. I thought nothing of them and continued in my book. A few minutes later I peaked up from the book to find them surrounding me. 

"Look at this little treat. All alone in this lonely park." Something about his voice put me on edge. 

They then started closing in around me. I closed my book and stood up slowly backing into the tree behind me. Then I remembered my phone I went to grab it but one of the men grabbed my arm.

"I don't think so princess." He said. I tried to kick him but another man grabbed my leg. 

The man that was holding my arm started to bend it in the wrong spot and the crack! My arm was broken. I cried out in pain but it  quickly covered by a hand. My arm burned with pain. The first man that had broken my right arm went over to the left and broke it too. At the same time one man started pulling down my skirt.

There were six men. One of them had my head on his lap holding my mouth closed while another man held my legs down. My arms were in too much pain to move so none of them touched them. A third man held was repetitively kicking my side and pounding on my stomach while a fourth brutally whipped my bare legs with his belt. The other two men kept watch. 

Then finally I heard a siren. Thank goodness. One of the lookouts yelled and other men. The two men abusing me quickly made their final marks. The one working on my torso gave a kick as hard as he could the started stomping on my left fingers as the one working on my legs broke my ankle. Then the one holding my head dislocated my left shoulder and pounded my head into the ground. 

Then the world went dark. I had no idea what happened. I didn't know if they left or if they took me with them. 


Carter's POV:

It was about 3:30 and I was just in the kitchen washing dishes when Peter ran in the kitchen pale as he could be. 

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Get Noah. We need to go to the hospital. Now!" Peter said.

"What? Why?" I asked confused. Just then Noah came in.

"Guys, Lilia isn't answering her phone." Noah said concerned. Then he saw Peter. "Gosh Peter what happened?"

"You'll have to see for yourself." Peter said then ran. Noah and I just looked at each other, shrugged, and followed.

We followed Peter to his bedroom where the TV was on. We came in at the end of a tide commercial and the next thing we say was horrifying. 

There was a news report. It showed a girl laying on the ground. Her skirtwas pulled down but luckily she was still covered. Her legs were red and swollen. A belt lay abandoned next to her. There was also a pool of blood next to her head and she was unconscious. Her left hand was bloody and something seemed to be wrong with her left shoulder. The sight alone was horrible but what made it so much worse was that it was Lilia.

"No!" Noah yelled and ran away, hopefully to get the keys.

"Oh my gosh! What happened?" Antony said walking in. 

Peter pause the TV. I looked at closer. It appear that both of her arms and left ankle were broken. Her whole body seemed to be somehow injured or broken. We were all pale and terrified staring at the TV. Soon Sammy had joined us. Then I couldn't take it anymore. I left and soon all of my brothers joined me.

We all quickly loaded into the car and zoomed off to the hospital. I tried to hold back my tears but she my baby sister and my triplet. Soon I could hold it back anymore and my face was warmed by hot tears.

Please don't leave. I prayed. Please!

Any good? I like books where they skip to the action so O decided to give you just that.

It took me almost all day to write this chapter and the next to please be kind in the comments!

Well thanks for reading! Feel free to pm!

Peace out!

Skipper <3

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