3 Months later

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Lilia's POV:

I'm finally allowed to walk! It took so long for my legs to heal and get strength but I've now been walking for a week and my life is almost back to normal. 

At school everyone avoids me except for a few who bully me. I've never really had any friends since I'm just a shy music nerd. My only half friend now avoids me at all costs. I haven't told any of my brothers yet but I'm sure they all know.

It was after school on October 21. I was really feeling depressed so I went to my room. I started crying and soon Noah walked in. He and Carter always seem to know when something is wrong.

"Hey Lily. What's wrong?" Noah asked sitting on my bed next to me. 

"It wasn't my fault so why does everyone think I'm a disease?" I asked wiping a tear from my face.

"They just don't understand how special you are." Noah said. I was starting to get annoyed by all their, "you are so special" "They don't deserve you" kind of talk. 

I stood up and walked away. Carter meet me in the hall. 

"Hey! What's wrong?" Carter asked. 

"I sick of being hated!" I yelled. 

"I'm sorry! Look, I was just about to go to the park. Wanna come?" Carter asked. I nodded. 

It was pretty nice outside. It was on of the upsides to living in Georgia. No one really went to the park at this time of year anyway so we would have the whole park to ourselves. 

Carter and me played tag. It funny to think that we will be 16 in 2 months. Luckily, both Carter and I were kids at the heart. When tag was over we walk to the swing and had another childish moment. Moments like this were my favorite. Just me and Carter being kids together. 

After a long time on the swings we just took a walk together. We walked for a while talking about school. Carter was so easy to talk to and not judgmental at all.

Finally we laid down together in the grass and gazed up at the clouds. I spotted a duck, a king, a horse, several beds, and even a cat. Then I spotted them.

"Carter...the men....here!" I tried to speak but I was too scared. 

"What?" Carter asked sitting up. They were so close. Then one grabbed from behind. 

"Carter!" I screamed through the man's hands. Carter tried to grab me but another man grabbed him.

"Leave her alone!" Carter yelled trying to pull away. Then 2 other men came around me they placed a rag over my mouth and noes and I was out in seconds. 


Carter's POV: 

After Lily was knocked out I fought harder. One man grabbed her and started to run away. I struggled to pull free. There were too many of them. There was no way I was going to let Lily be hurt again. 

Then one man pulled out another rag and placed it over y mouth. I was out in seconds. 

When I woke up I was in the park. I had expected to be in the hospital or a weird truck or something. I stood up. No real damage was done. I had a few cuts and my head throbbed but I was mostly okay. 

Tears started rolling down my face. I loved Lilia almost more than life its self. I broke into a run, sprinting for my house.

I would get Lilia back even if had I had to die in the process. 


Noah's POV:

Everything was going pretty normal. It was almost 5 but I wasn't expecting Lilia and Carter home for another half an hour. That was when Carter came running in, crying.

"Carter, what happened? Where's Lily?" I asked staring at him. 

"The men came. I fought as hard as I could but they're gone! Lilia is gone!" Carter said his eyes pouring tears.

"You didn't follow?" I yelled.

"I couldn't! They drugged me!" Carter said. He was crying his eyes out and I was on the verge. 

Not Lilia again! This time she was gone! Taken! Horrible thing could be happening to her. I picked up my phone and called a number I've always feared calling.

"This is 911. What's the emergency?" The person asked. 

"My sister and brother were in the park and men attacked them. My brother was drugged and my sister was kidnapped." I said into the phone trying my hardest not to cry.

"Has the brother returned or was he also taken?" The woman asked.

"He's right here." I said

"What is your sister's full name?" The woman asked. 

"Lilia Morgan Pinewood." I said. I haven't said her full name since we were at the hospital 3 months ago.

"Thank you. Please have your brother come to the station ASAP and we will file a missing report. Have a nice night." The Lady said and hung up.

Once the call was ended I just let go and cried. Why again?


Lilia's POV:

When I woke up I was only in my undergarments. My mouth, hands, legs, feet, and abdomen were all tied up. The one on my stomach pressed deep into my skin. I was shivering like crazy. 

The room I was in was cold. I looked around the tiny room. A little note was next to me. I struggled to grab in and read it. 

It said...

Dear Slave,

Welcome to your new home! Here are a few things you need to know. From now on you wardrobe will be a collection of bikinis. The room will always be under 45 degrees Fahrenheit so we hope you enjoy the cold!

Everyday you will be a maid and eye candy. If you are good you will get your dinner. If you are bad then...let's just say, time will tell.

Your new name is slave as you probably saw in the title of the letter. You are to address us as master and only master or you could be beaten. 



After I read the note I cried. I was somewhere where that I didn't know so how were my brothers ever supposed to find me. 

Finally I cried myself to sleep hoping my brothers would find me soon.

Sorry that I switched the POV a lot! I just need certain characters speaking at certain parts. 

The theme I am going for with this book is.....Love your family!

Please keep reading! Also feel free to PM me. I love follows, votes, and comments! 

Peace out!

Skipper <3

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