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Sam's POV: (continued from last chapter)

Probably the worst memory I have was when the day before Dad died. 

Every day after Lilia was beat bloody by our father we were all a little protective of her. She insisted on having us not help her with any of her chores. We argued but she won when she explained that technically we would be helping her avoid abuse. 

Also after that night father also required her to do dishes every night, cook dinner, lunch, and breakfast, make the beds, sweep and dust everything, and clean the bathrooms floor to ceiling at least once a week. Even then he would still find random jobs to force her to do. The part that made it worse was that she didn't complain. Every night she would walk into her room and practically crash onto her bed. 

By the time she was ten most of the fun and smiles she had were gone. She seemed a lot older and always sad. 

Then things finally got too far. Lilia was making dinner. Father came home probably the most drunk he's every been. He came up behind Lilia who was cooking. He pushed the pot off the burner and and placed her hand on it. Lilia didn't scream, not even when he did her second hand. Then he through her to the side.

"We're not having dinner tonight." Father said and sent Lilia to her room. 

Lilia stood up and walked down stairs where we were all doing our homework by the fire. 

"We're not having dinner tonight." Lilia said "Father said so."

"Okay. He didn't hurt you did he?" Noah asked. 

"No." Lilia lied. "Anyway, I'm going off to bed."

She turned to leave but Carter stopped her to give her a hug. She hugged him but her hands didn't touch her back. That's when we really realized something was wrong. We looked at the burn marks on Lilia hand. Noah cursed then ran upstairs and we all followed. 

"What did she do this time? You just burn her hands for no reason! She 10 and your child! You treat her as more of a slave than your daughter!" Noah yelled. It was the most mad I have ever seen Noah. Father just stared him down. Noah was big, not fat, just large in stature. He was 20 and I think Father knew he couldn't beat him.

"You wanna know how mad I am?" Father said. He pushed Noah out of the way and bolted down stairs. We cashed after him but he ran into Lilia's room and locked the door. Noah pounded his fists against the door.

We heard Lilia scream and cry and then silence, the worst sound ever. Finally we all retreated to Carter and Anthony's room. We just sat there, deep in thought. Finally we heard a door open, close, and then my father's foot steps. Once we were sure he was upstairs we bolted to Lilia's room only to find the door locked. Carter got down on the floor and looked through the crack. He could see much, only a bloody Lilia passed out on the floor. 

We all camped out in Carter and Anthony's room that night. 

The next day we went to Lilia's room. The door was still locked. Finally it sank in what Father did. He made Lilia too weak to be able to unlock the door so she would be stuck in there and starve to death. Noah ran to his room, grabbed his phone, and rapidly texted his friends asking them if any of them had a lock picking kit and strangely enough one of them did. 

Noah told him to leave it at the back door by noon and sure enough, at 12 o'clock there was the lock picking kit by the back door. It took us forever to figure out how to operate it and then another eternity to actually use it. Finally we got in Lilia's room.

She was still passed out on the floor. This time we got a real look at the damage he had done. She was shirtless and judging from marks on her back and the belt that was not far away he whipped her with a belt, clawed at her, slammed her into the walls a few times, ripped out chunks of hair, and it looked like he had cut her with something. 

We looked at her and didn't even know where to start. It took us a few hours before we finally had her in bed all bandaged up. At that moment we all swore to do everything we could to protect Lilia. 

About an hour later was when we got the phone call that said our Father was dead. No one said it but it was probably better for everyone that he was dead, especially Lilia. 

Noah then had to prove he was 20 years old and eligible enough to take care of 5 kids. Finally we were allowed to.

After that Lilia really became the Lilia we now know. She started learning instruments and really got to enjoy some fun things she missed out on from her abused childhood. 

I look at her know. We all swore to protect her yet how did she get here? My mind starts filling with questions and soon I start to blame myself for Lilia's condition. 

I am finally snapped back into reality when my phone rang.

"Hey Sam!" Noah said when I picked up.

"Hey Noah, need something?" I asked.

"Nope. Just calling to check on Lilia. My students are in P.E. right now." Noah said.

"She's actually still sleeping. Its been pretty quiet around here. I was actually taking a bit of a nap when you called." I said. The last part was a lie but how could he tell.

"Oh, sorry. Go back to sleep. Glad to hear things are running smooth. You might wanna give Carter a text. He was really nervous about leaving Lily." Noah says. Then we say bye and Noah hangs up.

I decide to actually fall asleep and when I wake up Lilia is coloring. Ops! I'm obviously failing at watching over Lilia. 

"Oh, hi, your up!" Lilia says with a smile.

"Yeah, why didn't you wake me?" I ask.

"You were asleep and there was no need to." Lilia says. I nod. 

We talk, eat, and color until Everyone else arrives. We spend the rest of the evening partying and having a "Pinewood Family Reunion" as Lilia calls it. 

So, this is the most I have ever written in anyone's point of view besides Lilia! I realize I am kinda neglecting some of my other characters so there! More Sam!

Thank you all for reading this far and also please go check out my other books. 

Peace out!

Skipper <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2018 ⏰

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