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Lilia's POV:

It was normal morning I woke up by some yelling for me. I got out of my bed, which was actually a pile dirty rags. I was already dressed so I made my way upstairs. When I arrived the tallest man, Alberto, was waiting.

"Yes, master." I said bowing my head. He looked at me with the same distaste he always used.

Alberto was tall and skinny. He seemed very athletic and strong. 

"Fix this room!" He sneered at me. 

I bowed my head then went to the corner to fetch the broom. I started sweeping the room. It was pretty small and I had just swept it yesterday so it wasn't much of a chore. The only part that I hated about it was the Alberto was watching. 

Once I was done I turned around to put the broom back but I was met by Alberto. He grabbed the broom and through it on the ground. I froze for a second then I was pushed against the wall. Alberto's lips pressed against mine. 

It was already weird and uncomfortable then he made it worse. I felt his tongue pressing for entrance when I didn't give in he forced it into my mouth. Then his hands played around with my stomach. He pushed and poked my stomach as his tongue explored my mouth. 

After an eternity he released. I fell to the ground. I was shaking from fear. When a master kisses a slave normally the next move is...I could bring myself to think it. Just then Jake walk in. 

"What's she doing on the floor?" Jake asked.

"Alberto made a move on me!" I yelled out forgetting I wasn't supposed to talk without permission.

"Great! She's telling lies, speaking out, and she trough the broom at me!" Alberto yelled. 

I was petrified. All of those would result in horrible punishments. I started shaking harder.

"I say we whip her for 2 hours, put her room at 30 degree Fahrenheit, starve her for 2 weeks, and give her and 3 hours in the torture chamber" Jake said. I shuddered. 

I missed my brother terribly. I missed Sam's hugs and Anthony's humor. I missed Peter'cooking and Noah's gentle touch. Most of all, I missed Carter's protection. 

Jake grabbed me by the arm to the whipping room. He hand cuffed me to the wall and pulled out the whip. I had been whipped only once before but I didn't miss the feeling. He beat me for what felt like hours then sent me back to my room.

It was freezing cold. I was also being deprived of water for today so I felt weak and cold. My back stung at every movement I made. My mind wandered back to Carter. He used to lay with me in bed when I had nightmares about the men coming back for me. 

I remembered how hard he fought when they took me. I hated to think it but I knew he would be blaming himself for it all. For all they know, I could be dead.


Carter's POV:

Time passed and still no word. Everyday I went to school but I never said a word. I was scared that Lily, my only sister and best friend, was dead. 

My friends tried to help but it was useless. My sister was missing! 

Our birthday came and went. We had no cake and no presents. We just couldn't celebrate when Lilia could be being whipped. 

Then one day it all changed. 

It was November 27. It was a Saturday and so we didn't have school. I ate a small breakfast then I just sat on the coach. I was too lazy to do anything and too worried to think. 

Then th phone rang. I ran over to it and quickly pciked up.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Hello this is 911. We think we found the location of your missing sister but for the safety of you and her please stay where you are." I woman said. My shoulder slumped. 

"Thank you." I said and hung up.

"Who was that?" Noah asked, walking in.

"The police." I said, Noah's eyes dubbled in size.

"They found her?" Noah asked.

"They don't know. They think they did but they have to investigate." I said.

"Well I sure hope they found her. I guess that's really all we can do, hope." Noah said.

I nodded. I wanted to do more than hope. I wanted to know. 


Lilia's POV

It was the morning of the camber. I shook with fear. 

They used the camber as a threat. They told me in had gadgets that would make me wish I was dead and I believed them. Alberto came in and practically dragged me their. 

I was placed on the first machine which had sharp skewers that poked me in uncomfortable places. The next one put a deep cut on my arm then filled it with rubbing alcohol. The did it on the other arm and both legs and it stung like crazy. 

The rest of the hour was spent pulling my hair, constricting my stomach, and even sunburning my skin. Everything hurt by the time they released me. Then a loud blaring started. Alberto's eyes widened and he cursed in Spanish. He yanked on my arm and dragged me down the hallway.

I tried to keep up but he had a grueling pace. My legs felt like Jello and I was weak from not eating for 12 days. I was also weak from the beatings I had just had for 3 hours! 

He dragged for a while then we stopped. He blindfolded me and then dragged me again. I heard a door open and then the air got colder. I couldn't see anything but by the way it felt, I was being dragged through snow. Snow! 

Finally I heard another door open and I was dragged into some kind of shed. The blind fold slipped down and Alberto gagged me. The I saw a knife. He pulled it out and stabbed my leg. I screamed in pain but it was muffled by the gag.

The he started cutting at my arms, legs, and stomach. I was bleeding everywhere. The he slung me over his shoulder and ran out side. He through me down in the snow and buried me alive. The I heard a gun shot. 

I couldn't tell who they hit because I passed out possibly from loss of blood possible from the cold. What ever it was i knew my life was over. Noah, Peter, Sammy, Anthony, and Carter would all have one less sister. 


Did you enjoy? If you did please vote and comment! 

Also sorry this chapter took so long! I just didn't want to leave you on a cliffhanger.

If you could check out my other books that would be great!! 

Peace out!

Skipper <3

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