9# Huge Fight...

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After recess.....
Mrs. Park's Art Class....

Mrs. Park: Ok! Today... We will act!

Class: Yay!

Mrs. Park: Okay... I need 13 girls and 12 boys.... But! For the boys.... I choose EXO! So... Girls?

/The girls and Mary stand up/

Mrs. Park: Ok! Now, draw your roles...

(Here's their roles)

D.O as Prince
Mary as Princess
Rose as Evil Maid
Petrina as Evil Maid's friends
Chanyeol as A Tree
Kris as A Tower
Adila as A Gardener
Chen as Citizen 1
Nazla as Citizen 2
Aaina as Citizen 3
Sehun as Citizen 4
Xiumin as a shop owner
Allison as Shop owner's wife
Quin as a maid
Kai as a butler
Irsya as the princess' personel maid
Luhan as prince's personel butler
Tao as a ninja
Anas as a ninja
Malina as healer
Lay as healer
Aye as prince's childhood friend
Suho as prince's childhood friend
Syaza as a tailor
Baekhyun as a chef

Pet: Hye! Rose! We're partners, right?

Rose: Yeah...

Pet: Are you sad? I know Mary is D.O's partner.... But.. Try to cheer up.... I think Kyungsoo really doesn't want to partner up with her..

Rose: Yeahhh.... I hope so...

Kyung: Sem... Why does it says here I have a k**sing scene?

Mrs. Park: What's the problem?

Kyung: Can I just make it short?

Mrs. Park: Okay! No problem... But.... If you can, try to make it long.

Kyung: Ne, sem! I'll try!

Pet:  I think he likes it....

Rose: Hmphhhh....

Pet: Ooo. Come on... You have an evil role! Why don't you make it realistic?

Rose: I'll try. Thanks anyways..

Pet: No problem....

Mrs. Park: Ok! For your guys' information, the other evil characters are from Mrs. Lee's class... Let's bring them in for the rehearsal.

Others: Whoo!!

Mrs. Park: Now.. Let's start our rehearsals.

Pet: Let's go for the rehearsal!

Rose: Ok.

After few minutes of rehearsal....
At the ending.....
This is an acting....

Mary: Prince Charles... Please don't leave me. I don't want to be alone.

Kyung: I don't want to leave you, my lady, but I need to fight for our kingdom.....

Mary: *Runs towards D.O* Take care, my love... *Hugs D.O*

Kyung: In case I die, I have something for you....

Mary: Hmmm?

/D.O breaks the hug and hold Mary's waist. He lifted up her chin using his finger. He move closer and closer and closer until there was no space between them. The k**s was long, passionate and smooth. D.O broke the kiss and walks away.... The end.../(Im crying......T_T)

Mrs. Park: Good! Everyone had done their best! So.. the act is next Saturday. Ok?


School ends....

Chan: Pet... Wanna walk with the rest?

Pet:Sorry, Chan! I'm walking with Rose.. She said she only wants me...

Chan: Can I join? I'll promise I won't tell others what you girls are going to talk about..

Pet: Ok.

Near the scholgates..

Rose: You can walk with us Chanyeol.

Chan: So.. What happened?

Kyung: *Runs towards Rose, Pet and Chan* Rose! Did you see me k**sing Mary? That was my first kiss! Mary is such a good k**ser... Her lips taste like cherry... Ahhhh.. It's like heaven...

Rose: *Stopped walking* You lied to me...

Kyung: I didn't lie at all... *Stopped walking*

Pet & Chan: *Stopped walking also*

Rose: You said you dont want to fall in love at this age... But.. K**sing is much more worst! You ignored me when we were  doing the rehearsal... I sat next to you and you glared at me... I tried to ask  something during Science, you ignored me.. Like I've never exist in your life.... What's gotten into you?

Kyung: I was just trying to make friends with her...

Rose: It doesn't mean you have to ignore me...

Kyung: I was just... Uhm..

Rose:*Slaps Kyungsoo* Enough with your lies... I know you like her...*Walks away*

Kyung: You're just  a girl who likes attention! You're rude, ugly and poor! You try to get my attention just because you want my money! Mary was right! You're just useless!*Went the opposite way*

Rose: *Stopped walking**Turned around**Runs towards D.O**Kick his legs* You ugly SATAN! YOU'RE JUST A GUY WHO HAS A BIG MOUTH!! LIKES TO LIE!! BETRAYER! YOU F**KING UGLY BOY!!! *Ran the opposite way while crying*

Pet:*Runs towards Rose*Please don't cry...., Leave him alone... He'll learn his lesson.. Now stop crying...

Rose: I can't believe he said those bad things to me.... No one I loved ever said that to me...

Pet: Just stop crying... People said don't cry over stupid boys...(Gurlll... I remember these words....)

Rose: Yeah...*Stopped crying* You're right... Wanna buy some snacks... I'll pay...


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