Chapter 4

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((So I'm kind of back. Still grounded and it looks like it's going to be this way for quite awhile. But I've finished my EOCs and all my AP exams, and I'm not worried about my last few finals. I barely have any homework anymore so I should be getting back to posting more!))


"What the..?!" You fell off the bed and hit the ground with a thud. From the heavier thunk on the other side of the bed, you guessed Mathias fell off as well. And rightfully so, because angels and demons naturally repulse each other like magnets. Painfully, you recalled the prophecy.

On the third day, a demon and an angel  will rise from the remaining humans.

But... YOU were the angel? And the only person you knew that was still alive, the one you were starting to fall for, is the demon?!

They will fight to the death, and a new world will be reborn from the survivor.

No.. you can't. You could never bring yourself to kill him. "Mathias..?" You tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear and sat up, the rusting of your white wings on the ground behind you feeling foreign.

The Dane stood and looked at you. "The prophecy..." he breathed, and you nodded.

"We're supposed to kill each other." Tears filled your eyes as you stood up. "But I can't do that. I can't kill you."

"Neither can I. I kind of.. I like you, (f/n). I don't want to do this." He reached to take your hand, a comforting gesture, but it shot pain through both of you and sent you flying backwards in a flash and a loud snap, like static shock.

Now, a new pain filled you. Not searing like when he touched you, but something different. An ache. Your heart ached with an agony you've never quite felt before. You can't even touch him. You bit your lip and stood. "One of us has to die.." You sighed, at the moment not really caring if he killed you. All you knew was that you'd never be able to kill him.

"Do we?" His playful grin despite the grim situation tore your heart it two, but melted it at the same time. "What if we don't follow the prophecy?"

"Humanity won't be reborn."

His smile faded for a moment. "Damn. Well, sucks for humanity, because I'm not gonna kill you."

You've been through so much in the last few days, you felt your tough warrior exterior break down, and you started to sob. There were burn marks on your hand from him, and it throbbed dully, but that didn't matter to you. Nothing mattered. "Mathias, please. Kill me. Save humanity." You looked up at him, your eyes red and puffy.

His grin turned soft and longing. "(f/n).. you've always been this way. You always put humankind first. You've always been nothing but selfless. But I'm not going to kill you. If anything, I'll kill myself."

"You will not." You growled.

"You know how you're feeling right now? About how much the world sucks? You're not the only one, soldier." He spat, and you flinched. "One of us is going to have to die. And if we're the only ones left, you may as well be the one to live. You can reproduce."

"Not without a male, idiot."


You sighed and stood, walking outside into the graveyard. Ravens picked at the carcasses still left. The grass was all yellow and dead and overgrown. Everything about the world changed in a few short days. It didn't seem possible for so many of the carcasses to already be decaying skeletons. Thousands of ravens screeched around you, causing an instant splitting headache. You and Mathias would never be able to live together in this world.

The wings you hated dragged behind you on the ground, browning from dirt. You choked back more tears and stuffed your hands in your pockets.

There had to be a way to undo this. Another demon somewhere. Another angel. Someone that could be killed.

A life without Mathias seemed impossible now. You'd be alone. You were sure an insanity would take over before then and drive you both to the fate that was already predetermined. Fate has ways of getting what it wants.


A ragged, weak voice called out from behind you, startling you. A little, frail old woman stood behind you, cloak pulled over her head and obscuring her face.

"Who are you?" You demanded, groping your hip for your sword, to find it not  there.

"I'm on your side. Trust me."

"I don't trust strangers."

She held up one shaky palm and flicked it towards you, then vanished.

"What the.." You were stopped short by a wave of something inside of you. You sank to your knees and clutched the dead grass beneath you. You fought off nausea as the wave turned to something different.


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