Chapter 5

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((A/N: WHOA GUYS HEY I signed on and I got so much love! Tons of people have been asking for an update! I'm so sorry it's been LITERALLY a year!!! But I'm hoping I'll remember to keep updating it! I love you!))

The new feeling washed over you like a tidal wave of anger. A sudden burning hate bloomed in your heart, and you wanted nothing more than to kill. You itched to kill demons, to rip their limbs off and burn them.

Is this what the power of an angel feels like? You wondered. The unfathomable strength and hunger pulsed in your veins, making you unable to sit still. You clenched your hands into fists, angry at Mathias for being a demon.

No, you told yourself sternly, shaking your head. This is all wrong. Mathias didn't do anything... he... he isn't bad...

You clutched your head, tears forming in your eyes as you fought yourself. Urge versus logic. Death versus life. Hate versus love. You mumbled to yourself, crumpling to the dead earth and putting your throbbing head in between your knees. You remained in this crisis-comprehension position until heavy footsteps caused you to lift your head. Mathias was standing above you, worry darkening his features. He sensed something off about you and took a step back, raising his hands in surrender.

"(f/n).." he said, confused. "Are you alright?"

The sound of his voice irritated you, setting you over the edge. It was like grinding stones together. You hissed in anger, the bloodlust taking over your body. Your once-beautiful eyes turned red and your pupils dilated. You took in a deep breath, feeling calm and powerful and at the same time, furious and antsy. You looked up at him with hate in your eyes, causing him to step back more. You stood shakily, as if you had just been beaten heavily.

Something glinted in the hot afternoon sun, barely in the corner of your eye. Mathias noticed it as well; a large, black-steel broadsword jammed into the baked dirt next to the two of you. The sword definitely was not there before, but it looked dangerous. The hate that controlled you lunged for the blade instantly, with your body as its vessel. Mathias tried to stop you, but nothing could interfere with the roaring bloodlust within. It controlled your body, covering your eyes and drowning your ears until you were powerless. You felt the heavy sword in your hands, something normally unliftable by a girl like you. You swung it, and it carried your body in tow.

Mathias was yelling your name now as you continued to strike at him. He dodged every attack by a hair, not wanting to know what would happen if he was hit by the unusual blade. He had no idea what was happening to you, or why you suddenly turned on him.

He was yelling, and it made you angrier. You yelled back, until no coherent words could be interpreted from either of you. This dance of death lasted for another few minutes before Mathias gave up. He stopped dodging and held his arms out, looking at you calmly.

"(f/n), I know you're in there somewhere. Listen to me, please. I want you to hear the words I am saying. You have to fight it." Mathias's voice cracked, and he braced himself for the next hit which would likely be his last. He shut his eyes, but no blow came. The Dane opened one eye and saw you on the ground, lying by the sword, unconscious.

Panic filled his gaze, and he whispered your name, dropping next to your motionless body and grabbing your shoulders. The shock that came was worse than before, burning the flesh of your shoulders and his hands. Mathias was shot back, and yet he crawled back over to you. His hands burned, but he was relentless. He kept repeating your name, not understanding why you weren't waking. Your eyes were open, and your skin was pasty. He bit back tears, looking at every inch of your body with more pain in his eyes than could possibly be inside of you.

Even then, he wished he could take away any pain you were in, if you were even still alive. He would rather take it all than see you in a single ounce of discomfort, and seeing you lifeless was too much for him to bear.

"Just wake up, (f/n), god dammit!" he yelled to no one.

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