Chapter 2

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A voice broke through the darkness of your slumber. A familiar, concerned voice.


"(y/n)..? Please wake up.." His voice was followed by a soft sigh.

You opened your eyes and quickly shut them, the piercing daylight too much to bear. A foul stench invaded your nose, making you want to gag.

"Mathias..? Is that you?" you mumbled sleepily. Why had your superior come to see you? Well, that does tell you he's alive, which could mean... the humans won?

"(y/n)!!" The Dane gripped your shoulders. "You're not dead!!"

He let go of you when he saw you wince.

"Yeah, I'm alive... What happened? Did we win?" you struggled to sit up and glanced at the room around you. It was a small shack. No one else was here, which means Mathias carried you all the way out here...

"I actually don't know. As soon as you blacked out I brought you straight here. But... I don't have my hopes up, to be honest." Mathias stood and walked outside.

He wasn't outside for more than three seconds. "Yeah... Don't go out there. Let's just hunker down here for awhile, okay?"

"Why?" You tried to stand, but your muscles screamed in protest. "What's out there?"

"Just... don't."

You rolled your eyes. You're full grown, you've seen it all. Struggling to your feet and leaning heavily on the wall, you mumbled, "I think I deserve to know why you don't want me to go out there."

"(y/n)! Lay back down right now. That's an order."

"You can't order me arou--"

"I'm your superior, that's exactly what my job is. Sit. You'll hurt yourself." He crossed his arms, a sign that he was dead serious.

Mumbling to yourself, you sat back down. A soft breeze blew in through the window, bearing an unbearable smell. You covered your nose, gagging a little.

Where in the world is this shack, anyway? You wondered to yourself. A dump, maybe? Sure smells like it...

Mathias sat next to you, handing you a bowl full of water. You drank it, just now becoming aware of the thirst that burned in your throat.

"I'm going to see if I can find some food, (y/n). I'll be back before sundown. Don't you dare move." The Danish soldier kissed your forehead, an odd gesture indeed, and stood up. Both of you were hiding your blush until he left.

"Don't move?" you rolled your eyes, feeling a bit more energized now. "Screw that." You laughed to yourself, standing up.

Using the wall as a support, you hobbled over to the door. You pried it open with one hand and peered outside.

It was suddenly clear to you why your comrade told you to stay inside.

On the other hand, you now knew what the awful stench was.

Corpses. Hundreds of them. Ravens cawed and picked at the decaying piles of human bodies and you were hit by another wave of the smell.

The smell of death wafted in your nostrils as your eyes grazed over the mountains of half-eaten humans. It didn't take much for you to throw up whatever was left of your last meal.

Not only had the demons won, the demons had annihilated us. You weren't sure wether to be thankful that you were alive or not, at this point.

Looking around more, you could see the bodies were not all strangers. Lots of these men were your soldiers. You could tell some were innocents, bystanders who had been killed.

Over there, some of Mathias' siblings. You didn't know their names but he showed you a picture once. He must be devastated...

Shaking your head slightly, you stumbled back inside.

Everyone is dead.

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