thanksgiving probblems

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jakes POV

my parents were here and it was great they both looked after the twins for us and stopped fights between everleigh and Alfie , apparently ava broke alfies  one of Alfie cars and Alfie was hitting her

there was a knock at the door what must have been erikas family so me and the 3 kids ran up stairs and hid until erika dragged us down to see them , most of them were trying to ignore us but i started the conversation but they replied with yes ,no or maybe . at least i was trying to make an effort unlike them , i heard lauren call me a b*%!h but whos talking , i went to help erika in the kitchen and brought the twins to . i put them in there highchairs facing towards me cooking because some how they enjoy my dad dancing . alfie came in and helped me make the gravy and peel the potatoes then watched the washing machine go round and round.

erika looked stressed so i wrapped my arms around her petite body , s he kissed my lips which lasted ages untill one of the twins started crying and when i looked up lauren had picked lexi up and was the one crying . i took lexi out of her hands and said in a baby voice "i know she is mean and scary " 

that made erika laugh a bit then hit my arm , everleigh came in mad she said "grandma wont let me on my quad bike and now its out of petrol"

i answered with " we can go on the dirt tracks in the country park tomorrow , so you can fill the bike up ready "

everyone was sat around the table, bailey and  alfie throwing food into each others mouths, everleigh on snapchat , the twins tipping the food on there table ,dylan texting everleigh , lily playing with her doll , lauren being ugly as always .erika looked happy for once today, she was glaring at ava to get of her phone and it worked surprisingly .

 we had all eaten and lauren kept staring at me then swearing and it was getting to me . alfie asked if we could have a disco , i said yes but i didn't think that he would turn speakers on and put party lights on , all of a sudden the kids got up and started dancing , everyone looked at me like it was my fault , in the end erika defended me and said they did it them selves . 

everleigh's POV

mums family went back to the hotel and lauren is staying over at our house , me and bailey were left in the room with lauren alone. bailey asked

"why do you hate us and our dad?" BAILEY

your dad is annoying and is trying to steal my cousin and when your parents split up your mum will be heart broken and i wont be there to save help her   LAUREN

"they are not splitting up and our dad is not annoying your the annoying one!"   BAILEY 

"maybe we are like our dad and its a good thing " EVERLEIGH

"no its not!"         LAUREN

i had videoed the conversation to show to my parents so now mum knows how mean her cousin is , bailey and me had ran out of the room to show mum and she was angry and sad because she didn't belive dad.

she walked into the room and showed lauren the video and screamed in her face then lauren packed her bags then left 

mum reminded me that i have my music video shoot tomorrow so i need sleep so i went to bed happy that lauren had gone

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