Reunion with Alissa part 2

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Erika's POV 

We sat down and asked 

"So how many kids do you actually have since I think some are Tessa's , not to sound rude or anything ?" Alissa said 

" I have 7 in the house , five are mine and two are Chelsea's " Erika said

"How do you cope we can't even handle poppy and your looking after seven kids by your self for a week !?" Banks said

"Well Jake wants more kids and won't mind but my 5 year old gets jealous and is hard to look after if he doesn't have the attention and the twins are still babies yet " Erika said

 We kept talking for some bit just me and Alissa and banks went to play with Noah , half way Through us talking th baby monitor went off with the two s crying cause they just woke up , I excused my self and ran to get them 

I was in the nursery and Lexi was red and sweating and screaming more than usual and alfie was somehow still sleeping through the noise , I checked her teeth and she wasn't teething more so she must be ill 

I walked downstairs and as i got down Lexi was screaming more then Alfie woke up and everleigh was crying god knows why and Alissa could see I was struggling since she went to get alfie for me while I tried to calm Lexi down 

Harvey came through the door but weirdly everleigh and him just ignored each other so that might be why Ava was crying , Alissa put Alfie on his play mat and we sat down still controlling my daughter's one who was eating her sorrow's with cookie dough ice cream and another trying to reach for the call 

Dylan , Harvey and bailey came out there room from like 8 hours of being in there playing FORTNITE as they came down Dylan was trying to flirt with Ava and Ava was doing it to make Harvey jealous and me and Alissa were there laughing really hard nearly choking on our takeaway

Alissa got a text from her manager saying she has a meeting in half an hour so before she left we organised a hang out together with no kids at the mall down town 

I looked around and Dylan and Ava were nearly making out 

Oh god was also all my words 

I will have another book for the shout outs coming soon 

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