Erika has caused trouble coming and self harm

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Brandon's POV 

I got woken up at 6am which was not as bad as I thought because I thought I would be woken up at like 2am in the morning then another idiotic time 

I let everleigh sleep so I lay down on the sofa with tallulah laying on my chest as she soon settled down as she started to wriggle around I got up and changed her into 

And fed her and started to play and watch tv with my little princess , everleigh started to wake up so as she got dressed and ready I went to sign the papers ready to leave , she got Zach dressed and we all headed out to the car

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And fed her and started to play and watch tv with my little princess , everleigh started to wake up so as she got dressed and ready I went to sign the papers ready to leave , she got Zach dressed and we all headed out to the car . Jake ,lexi and Erika followed us from the hospital to our house to help get the babies settled in

Erika was laughing at what was on zachs baby grow but lexi didn't get it 😂

When we got to the house me and Jake put the bags in the bedroom and we invited bailey jax Aiden and Alfie to the house and said they will arrive in 10 minutes , my parents are coming over when Jake and Erika go and could tell everleigh was alread...

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When we got to the house me and Jake put the bags in the bedroom and we invited bailey jax Aiden and Alfie to the house and said they will arrive in 10 minutes , my parents are coming over when Jake and Erika go and could tell everleigh was already stressed so I went up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and she began to calm down abit after knowing I was there and wasn't going to leave her .then she walked of

As jerika left my parents arrived and entertained the twins as I went to show Bailey the beers and showed the other boys the Xbox 

10 minutes

I hadn't see Ava in a while so I went to check on her and when I found her she was curled up in a ball in the corner of our room  crying with a knife in her hand

Everleigh POV 

My mum came into my room and started yelling at me saying I would be a horrible mum and I will make the twins life a mess  and Brandon will probably walk out on us so when she walked out I started crying until I wanted to get a knife from the draw and cut my wrist until all my feelings drowned out in the blood 

Then Brandon came in

😭 everleigh 

🤬 Brandon 

🤬 everleigh what are you doing and why are you crying *tear slips down his face *

😭 my mu..mum said I will at being a mom and you will wal..k out on me *crying into his shoulder *

🤬baby I love you so so much and the twins as well I will never ever walk out on you and you shouldn't listen listen to your mum the twins are happy to have you as there mum and I am happy to have you as my love of my life 

😭 can you please go and get me a plaster for my cuts *still with tears of pain in her eyes *

🤬sure baby and I should probably...take the knife of you as well 

😭good idea

I was really angry at Erika so I told my mum to watch everleigh and my dad and the boys to watch the twins while I go and 'talk ' to Erika or Jake depends who is home 

I drove the the team 10 house and walked up really angry and slammed open the door well quietly anyway , I shouted for Jake and he came up to me and hugged me and asked me what was up . We walked into the office with Tessa in the background 



🐙did you know what Erika had said to everleigh 

🐍no why ? What did she say ?

🐙she said that she will be a horrible mum ,I am going to walk out on her and leave her stranded and she is going to ruin the twins lives

🐍 wait did she actually 

Tessa 💖 she actually said that , I am going to talk to her 

🐙 no wait that is not all 

🐍 MORE !!

🐙 when I walked in on everleigh she was self harming her self with a knife in her hands

🐍* crying with Tessa comforting him * can I go and see her 

🐙 yeah sure but I need to go 'talk ' to Erika 

💖 no you two go and I will talk to Erika 

🐙thank you Tessa 

Tessa POV

ERIKA!!! I screamed 

Yeah T !!! She yelled back 

WE NEED TO TALK!!! I said getting angry 

OKAY okay I get it !?!? She said being sarcastic 

Erika.  What do you want ?

Tessa   What did you say to everleigh 

Erika     The truth 

Tessa     I don't know why I am friends with you if you say that to your own daughter 

Erika    She needs to see reality Brandon will probably walk out on her and she is a bad mom isn't she 

Tessa    She is not a bad mom and she has only had the twins for a day how can you judge 

Erika  because I can tell 

Tessa   Do you know what she did when you left 

Erika  what will this surprise me or something 

Tessa   Probably she was caught self harming her self 

Erika  oh god what have I done 

Tessa  I don't know but you need to Sort it out

Erika  how

Tessa  the longer you don't apologise the longer we are no longer friends 

After that talk I texted Brandon to tell him what happened 

Jakes POV 

Brandon drove me to the house and I could hear the twins crying as I got to the door he opens it and told everleigh why I was here

As we went into the living room everleigh was breastfeeding Zach and tallulah was wriggling around on her play mat being all cute and loveable do I picked her up and sat next to my daughter on the couch 

"Everleigh I don't think your mum knows what she had said she says that stuff all the time when she is scared or worried so I wouldn't take it personal but that doesn't mean she is not getting screamed at by Tessa as we speak " I said 

I took one of her wrists and rolled up the sleeves to what I find 3 huge cuts from a knife but as I did that she started to cry 

When she felt better I helped her the twins ready for bed but everleigh said she wanted to do it herself since she will be doing it for many years to come 

After that I went home and ignored Erika the whole time and could tell she was getting pissed of at me but I didn't care not after what she had said to everleigh 

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