Oh no!

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Recap: Silence filled the air...

I looked around in the dark, horrified.

Me- Marci!

No answer.

Me- Marci!!

Still no answer.

Me- ((whispers)) i need to get outta here.

I felt around for the door but couldn't feel it.

Me- The fuck. Where's the door?!

I kept on feeling around but couldn't feel anything but air until i stepped on something warm.

I stopped in my tracks.

Me- oh no.

I felt my costume pockets for my phone. But it was gone. Wheres my phone?!

All of a sudden the lights burst on.

I looked around and down to what i was stepping on.


I jumped off the body of a person with blood all over the floor.

Well, a trail of bodies.

I screamed again. Marci's was right in the middle.  I ran over to her.

Me- Marci!! Marci please!! Marci please still be alive!!

I shook her until i got tired and tears rolled down my eyes, messing up my makeup.

She's dead. Dead. All the way dead. Freaking blood everywhere.

But how come everyone's dead except for me? What is this trail leading to?

I looked up and saw the same raggedy woman again. She was staring straight at me, with those black squinted eyes.

Hypnotizing eyes.

I couldn't move. Couldn't speak. It felt life she's sucking the life out me.

I tried to move, to get out. But i couldn't. I felt pressure all over my body.

Oh lord, please don't let me die. Oh God please.

I blacked out...

Please don't tell me I'm dead.

I can't see anything but black. Am i dead? I'M DEAD?! NOOOOO-

???- girl shut up! you ain't dead. This yo dream. You passed out.

Me- oh... who are you?

???- i ain't supposed to tell you.

Me- why?

???- Cause I'm NOT!

Me- OK, damn. But why cant i see your face?

???- -___-... cause your not supposed to see who i am.

Me- what?

???- OMG! Just shut up and let me tell you why your here!

Me- okay.

???- you actually own this house-

Me- What?!

???- Let me speak got damn!!


???- You own this house because your great great great x3 grandmother lived here and passed down this house to your family. So since your mother and father died-

Me- wait. My mom and dad didn't die. They're still alive!

???- you didn't here!! it was on the news 30 mins ago. they got killed by an unknown murderer.

Me- that can't be true my mom and dad are alive.* starts to panic*

???-nope. They're dead.

Me- you mean to tell me. That my own parents were killed?!

???- yep. Its true. I'm not alive so i know.

Tears rolled down your eyes but immediately came off.

???- sorry, no crying here. Any ways let me continue-


???- shut up!! Let me continue. Since your parents died the house is now left on you. See now you cant get out of this house, until you die naturally. See your parents escaped, that's how years later, they died.

Me- i don't want to live here?! I cant! What about my friends. what about my family!!

???- sorry, that's the rules of your great great great x3 grandmother.* starts to walk away*

me- wait, where are you going? you're not leaving until i get my answers?!

???- what answers? There's nothing to solve...* disappears*

Me- WAIT?! ugh...

A beaming light flashed in my eyes, and my eyes closed.

I was being force back to reality...

I'm gonna get outta here.

No matter what it takes...

And I'm not gonna die...

Months later....

Yup. That dream never came true. Still here with these bodies everywhere.

Still suffering with this lady ghost.

Still no one came to find me.

Not even ray...ray..ugh.

I bet he's been looking for me but gave up. I bet he's living a happy live with a girlfriend or something and with his mom and dad having fun.

While I'm here starving myself to death. No more party food left. No more water. And I'm getting skinny AF. My stomach growls every minute: three times a minute.

I'm just sitting here, in the dark while its light outside. Facing the lady ghost staring at her for a while. I know you think that's weird, but i've gotten used to it. Since day 1.

I'm waiting for someone to get me out of here....

Just waiting for that day to come.........

The House You Pass By( A Ray From mindless behavior love/horror story){Editing}Where stories live. Discover now