Im Coming For you...

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Prince- Jalissa?! How long have you been in there?! Arent you straving?!  Isnt it smelly with all those dead bodies in there?! And wouldnt there be ghosts if the bodies arent buried??!

Ray- Prince. Quit asking those questions. Im sure she doesnt want to answer them.

Me- no. Its ok. I actually want to answer them.

Ray- oh....

Prince- ha!!

Me- well, Ive been in there ever since we,ve had the holloween party. And yes, but im not that starved to death. There was some left over food in there.

Prod- ew. Wasnt that food kinda moldy if it's been left over all those months.

Me- if you want to live. Then you'd eat it.

Prod- true dat. true dat.

Me- As i was saying, yes im starved alittle. And it was kinda smelly but ive gotten used to it. I actually couldnt smell it anymore.

Prod- well then, im glad we had masks on!

Roc- i know right!

Me- yall lucky! But anyways, and umm..... uh... What was the other question?

Prince- sinec the dead bodies werent buried, werent there ghosts?

Me- i wouldnt exactly say there were straight up ghosts(Lying). But there were some mysterious forces.

Roc-*fake coughs* ghost*cough*.

Me- -___-

Ray- how did you deal with them.* starting to panic* Did they hurt you?!

Me- not really. They just scared me.

Ray- good! You didnt get hurt!

Me- luckliy not.

Prod slapped his neck.

Prod- i felt something brush my shoulder.

Prince- what?

Prod- something brushed against my shoulder! I swear i felt something!

All of a sudden a voice shot in my head.

Think you got away from me huh? Ha! Nope. Its not over Jalissa. Im still coming for you. And im gonna make your life misserable. Think your safe because you left? * evil laugh*. Just watch.

Im coming for you.....

Those words...

im coming for you.....

Stuck in my head....Literally.




Why are you in MY HEAD?!?

I tried to slap the voice outmy head while everyone was looking at me like i was crazy.


Ray- umm... Jalissa?

Why'd you try to leave? You knew that id find you!

Me- uggggh!! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!

stupid little girl. now you'll die.

I fell to the floor and held my hands against my ears. All i could see was a blur. i couldnt hear nothing but i high screehing sound in my head. I managed to see ray come towards me and pull me back up.

Me-*managing to speak* Help.

I saw ray speak to me but i couldnt here him. I saw Ray's dad come downstairs. He ran towards me and picked me up and told everyone something then they all ran out the door. I felt me being rushed to the car but i couldnt see anymore. I couldnt hear. I couldnt speak. All i felt was pain in my whole body.

Dont tell me im dieing.

Oh god. Please!!

Why cant i breath? I cant breath. No. NO NO NO NO NO! Please let me breath please!! My head... it hurts 10x as much. My eyes are rolling to the back of my head. i felt wet stuff come out my mouth. Not bubbly. But like liquid. Then all of a sudden.... I blacked out.

told you you'd die. Ha! cant escape from me Jalissa. you were just like your parents. since they escaped years ago, i told them they'd die. And they did. Learn to follow rules.

What if i dont want to? What if im not dead?

Oh trust me. You are sweety.

No. Im still alive. I. am. not. dead.

Keep dreaming sweety. Oh wait! you cant cause you're dead !! you can dream for eternity now.


*evil laugh*


My face. I can feel it. I CAN FEEL IT!!!

OMG! im not dead!!!!

Me-* looks and sees that im in a hospital bed*

???- Jalissa?

I looked up and saw Ray walking towards me.........


The House You Pass By( A Ray From mindless behavior love/horror story){Editing}Where stories live. Discover now