See you later.

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  Its been two days since I decided to move in with Michael. His girlfriend Leah is super nice and supportive of us, she says If I want to continue to study, I can go and she could take care of Aliyaah.

Today, Sunday, I decided to tell the crew, including Kenny. I have made up my mind, and I am going to North Carolina, Carter is there studying, so I'll have him. I know I have to talk to Taylor before I leave, I think I'll do that right after I tell the crew. I texted them all to come at 12pm and I texted Taylor to go to the park at 5:00p.m. I'm not nervous on telling the crew, I'm only nervous to tell Taylor. I know he will be hurt, I unlock my phone and check the time, 11:50 the crew should be here any time now. Matt is Bringing Aliyaah today, that's something I can be happy about.

I hear the door ring downstairs,

"Kenzie! The crew is here!" I hear Kenny call from downstairs. I'm still kind of mad at her, so I don't really talk much.

I went downstairs and greeted everyone, when I went to Matt I picked up Aliyaah she's still asleep.

"Okay guys, Im gonna make this quick, I called you all here, so I could tell y'all that I'm going to North Carolina for a while." I turned to see everyone's reactions and they all had their jaws dropped. When I saw Kenny tears were about to come out of her eyes,


"No! Don't!" She said running upstairs.

"Why do you wanna go?" Matt said,

"Honestly, I know Madelyn is gonna have her baby soon, and I don't wanna be here, I also just want to get away from all the drama. I don't want Aliyaah to be surrounded by all of this."

"I understand, well I think we all understand your decision, Aliyaah comes first, and if its good for her, we support you." Cameron said

"Thanks You guys." I said going around and hugging each one.

"Are you Gonna tell Taylor?" Nash asked getting serious.

"Yeah, today at 5 we are meeting up at the park."

"How do you think he will take it?" Nash Asked again

"Not sure, hopefully he understands just like you guys did."

"I dont wanna make it sound bad, but I'm pretty sure he's gonna get mad, you're taking away his daughter, not just 10 minutes away, but to a whole new state, across the U.S." Nash said.

"He's gonna have another daughter to worry about. I don't wanna talk about this anymore."

"When are you leaving?" They all pretty much asked together.


"What?! I thought it would be like 2 weeks!" Matt said suprised.

"Nope I wanna leave as soon as possible." the crew and I carried our conversation until about 4, when they all left and I went to see Kenny.

Going upstairs I was nervous, I don't know what she's gonna say.

I knock on her door,

"Can I come in?"


"Kenny please I need to talk you."

"Ya sure didn't have to talk to me about moving before actually making it a final decision, so why should you talk to me now?" She's mad. I can tell.

"Kenny, I do not want your attitude." I opened the door and sat on her bed,

"What Do You Want!!!" She screamed at me,

"Kenny why are you so mad? Moving is the best choice for Aliyaah. I don't want her around all this drama."

"You're leaving me behind. You're not my sister anymore. Sisters don't leave each other behind." She said going under her covers, I could hear her crying. I really wish she understoood me.

"Kenny don't say that! I didn't ask if you wanted to come because I knew you wouldn't want to leave the crew and Matt."

"But you do, and you don't care about anyone but yourself."

"Kendall! I told you! I'm doing this for Aliyaah, trust me its so hard to leave this life behind and begin a new one. Aliyaah needs positive surroundings around her."

"Just leave! Don't talk to me ever again! I hate you!!!!" She said. I can't believe she said that. My heart literally broke into a million different pieces.

I leave her room and go into Aliyaah's room.

"I guess its just me and you huh?" I whispered to her as I rocked with her on the rocking chair.

I turned to look at the clock, 4:45, I guess I should get going, I look down at my outfit, Nike running shorts, Tank top, and running shoes, ehh I guess it'll do. I'm not trying to dress to impress. I was gonna leave Aliyaah with Kenny, but I don't know, I should probably just take her,

I get her ready and head to my car, buckle her in tight and head off to the park.

Kenny's POV

I'm gonna be alone. Everyone leaves, Michael, Mom and Dad, now The most important Person in the world to me, Kenzie. I heard her car turning on. She's probably gonna go talk to Taylor.

I don't want her to leave. I won't have anyone other than Matt. I don't wanna go to North Carolina either. I can't leave all my friends behind.

I know I probably went too far by telling Mackenzie that we aren't sisters anymore, and that I hate her, but I mean how else was i supposed to feel?

I wish everything was back to normal, when we were 10 years old, with Michael, mom, dad, Kenzie, and I. No drama, no babies, not that I don't like Aliyaah, I love her so much, but I just miss our old life.

I know I'm being selfish, but I just don't want to loose Kenzie. I'll just have to deal with it by myself.

Kenzie's POV

When I get to the park, I see Taylor's car there. He sees me, and I wave him over. I don't wanna take Aliyaah out because its kind of chilly. My heart beats faster when I see him walking over.

When he opens the door and sits down, his whole scent fills up the car. He smells so good.

"Hi." Hey says.

"Hey, sorry I don't want to take Aliyaah out in the cold wind."

"Its okay, so what did you call me here for?"

"I just wanted to tell you I'm going to North Carolina with Michael, my brother." I could see that his heart sank. Just his reaction, he looked so sad, so hurt.

"Why?" He was so calm,

"Because I don't want to be here when Madelyn has her Child, and I don't want Aliyaah around all this negative drama. I just need some time away from everyone and everything."

"So you're taking Aliyaah miles away from me?"

"You shouldn't worry, you have your other kid to worry about. I've nurtured Aliyaah in her first 3 weeks of life. Those are the toughest."

"She's still my daughter, I deserve to see you."

"I'm not saying you don't deserve to see her."

"Then why are you taking her miles away?"

"I already said, so she won't be around negative drama like this."

"When are you leaving?" He said in a harsh tone.

"Friday.." With that he got out, opened the back door, gave Aliyaah a kiss, and said see you later.

Will You Stay? (A Taylor Caniff Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now