Is it the rescue?

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Erin stopped in front of a house and looked up at it, "Okay" She said to herself as she walked up each step. Erin got to the door, bag in hand and she walked in. The floorboards creaked as she walked along the ground and she looked around the dark house when she saw Ben stood in the corner, "I have your money... now give me jay" she said keeping her distance.

Erin could hardly see him until he stepped forward, "You're late" he said

"I had to get the money without my team finding out and then I had to drive here"

"I said two hours" Ben pulled the gun out of his pants and Erin heard it cock.

"Look I... I tried but I'm here now and I have the money, just please all I want is Jay"

"Put the money on the table"

Erin slowly walked forward and put the money on the table but she could see him now. Erin tipped the money out and he looked at it, "it's all there... now we had a deal"

"You really want to see Jay?"


Erin looked down on the table as Ben threw something down. Erin stepped forward and put her head down but she almost lost her balance as she saw what was on the table. A finger. Jay's finger.

"What did you do?" She cried

"You wanted to see Jay"

"You're sick, how could you. Where is he?"

"He's in the basement"

"Go Get him"

Ben lifted his gun up and pointed it at her, "how about you go get him" he said ushering Erin towards the door.

At the district

Mouse dragged himself up the stairs of the district as hard as he could when collapsed on the stairs. He Trudy run out from behind her computer towards him, "Mouse what are you doing here?"

"Get this to Voight, it's Erin's phone. She's in trouble"

"Yeah Okay... umm call an ambulance" she said to a patrolman behind her.

Platt ran up through the gate and saw everyone talking around the board, "Voight, Mouse is downstairs"

"What is he doi-"

"He gave this to" she passed it over to him

"This is Erin's"

"Yeah he said to look at it"

Voight slid his finger over the screen and it opened to the page of a text message, "Two mill, I want the money in two hours. Abandoned house next to small deli on franklin street, come alone. I'll know if you brought your team" he read out loud.

"Let's go now!" Antonio said grabbing his gun and sliding it into is holster, "Trudy, get mouse back to med and roll an ambo to this address but no lights. We go in silent"

At the abandoned house

Erin got to the bottom of the stairs as Ben walked behind her. She opened the door and looked around the room, "wheres Jay" she said as she turned around and saw Ben stood in front of her.

"Jay upstairs in one of the bedrooms"

"Is he even here?" She said

"I don't know, maybe I was lying, maybe he's dead"

"I GAVE YOU THE MONEY!" Erin said as she tried to to push past him but he pushed her back. 

"Please" Erin whimpered

"Oh Please Oh god" Ben said mimicking Erin, "I've heard that before"

"It was you at the district. You threatened to kill my daughter"

"Ah Yeah your daughter. I believe she is with her nanny Kate. I recall that Will told me that"

"You used will. You used the most hurtful thing in his life and destroyed everything. He was just a pawn in your little game"

"So what do you suggest we do now"

"You got your money. That's everything I had so please"

"I've got an idea. I'll trade jay for you"

"Wh... What are talking about"

"See when i died supposedly. I had a wife and I found out she married a rich guy and raised our child with him so there was no way I could get her back"

"So you want me to be your new wife?" Erin stepped back

"Not a new wife. I just really missed women" Erin backed up as quick as she could until her back hit the wall and Ben walked closer.

The team walked up the the house and saw the door open, "quiet" Voight said they stepped into the house. The team walked around when Antonio saw money on the table and as he walked closer he saw the finger, "Hey!" He whispered as the team came over and he pointed at it, "is that jay's?" Ruzek said

"I think so and the money is here. Me and Antonio downstairs and The rest of you check outside and upstairs"

The team separated and Voight stepped down the stairs with Antonio behind him. They got to the bottom and he could here Erin crying, he slowly turned the door handle and opened the door, they both ran in and saw Erin up against the wall so they both fired and hit Ben in the back. As he fell to the floor, they both saw Erin crying, "You Okay?" Voight said as he ran to her and hugged her

"I'm okay he didn't do anything but we need to find Jay"

"Yeah we are checking right now"

Ruzek and Atwater walked up stairs as they watched Voight and Antonio go downstairs, they walked along the house and opened each door with their guns pointed forward. They both came out of a room and saw the last room at the end of the hall, "Okay" Ruzek turned the handle to see Jay handcuffed to a chair, "shit" he said as he saw jay covered in blood, "Jay... jay!" Ruzek tapped his face to try and wake up and he took the handcuffs off. Ruzek lifted up his head when jay woke up, he started to panic and thrash his arms in the air, "Jay you are Okay is Adam"

"No no no no no" he screamed and cried as he fell the the floor and pushed himself into the corner.

Erin got to the top of the stairs with Voight and Dawson when Kim and Al came in from outside, "Anything?"


Erin went it sit down when she heard a voice, "No no no no no" she heard from upstairs

"That's jay!" Erin raced up the stairs with the team behind her and she ran into the room where jay was. She got down in front of him when he pushed her backwards. "Jay it's Erin"

"No no no no" was all he kept repeating, "Jay you are safe"

"I'm not" jay muttered as he was bleeding all over the floor.

Voight walked out of the room and then back in with the paramedics. He put his arms on Erin's shoulders and lifted her up, "ambo are here. They can help him now" he said as he hugged her and helped her walk out the room and she turned around and Jay was on the floor bleeding and broken as the paramedics covered him.

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