#6 - Panic

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Tweek closed the Tucker home's door and started sobbing. He couldn't hold it in any longer.

"God damnit! I fuckin' hate this! My mouth is *hic* bleeding and it hurts like *hic* fucking hell!" He shouted. He tried to trace his wound with his thumb and felt that he bit it too deep.

"Fuck! Now I have to go to the fucking clinic..." He mumbled silently and started strolling towards the local medical building.

He thought through the previous happenings. He... he kicked me.. for loving him? Why..?

His eyes started tearing up again. Craig caused him pain. On purpose.

While he was lost in his thoughts, he got to the clinic. He opened the door and glanced around to see how many people were in front of him.

"Wh-who came in l-last?" He asked nervously, his voice trembling.

"We are- WHOA WHAT THE HELL, TWEEK???" A dark-haired boy with a blue and red beanie freaked out. Next to him was a red-haired, freckled boy. They were the only other gay couple at South Park elementary. The two boys were Stan Marsh and Kyle Broflovsky, Style for short.

"What happened with ya??" Kyle asked the shivering boy and offered him a bag of tissues. "There is blood everywhere, man... are you fine?" He looked worried.

No.... - "Y-yes.. fell down the stairs and bit my j-jaw accidentally..." He lied. He couldn't tell them the truth.. He hoped they wouldn't ask about-

"And where is Craig?" Stan interrupted his thoughts. "Is he worried about you? Why didn't he come?" He asked all those questions, making Tweek anxious. What should I tell them..? I guess I shouldn't get caught up in too many lies..

"We... broke up.." He started tearing up again.

"What..? " Style asked in unison. Their eyes widened.

Tweek put his hands in his palms. He started crying. Kyle hugged him tightly and after a second, Stan took the two boys in his arms. Tweek's crying turned into muffled sobs as the picture of his lover came into his mind. Those angry eyes, tense figure and evil face... terrifying. Why would he....

"Shhhh, we're here for you..." Stan comforted Tweek and patted him. After a minute or so, the tears stopped. Kyle sighed and pat his little buddy's head.

"Now tell us, what happened? We're here for you.. we've always been here for you guys." Kyle asked and smiled nicely.

"W-well..." Tweek started, but shut his mouth immediately. "I d-don't wanna... talk about it... sorry.." He simply ended the subject.

"Oh.. well, feel free whenever you wanna tell us." Stan smiled, but a bit of curiosity was seen in his eyes.

"Yeah, man. Hmmmm.. You know what? We're gonna have a party at my place next Monday after school! You should totally come!" Kyle said with enthusiasm.

A party..? Hm.. yeah.. I could use a little bit of alcohol.

"Cool! W-would love to!" He accepted the invitation.

They then engaged in small talk and after a while they were treated. Stan for his broken ring finger and Tweek for his jaw. They said goodbye to each other and Stan left with Kyle.

The rest of the weekend flew away fast. It became Sunday and Tweek helped in the coffee shop, but there were not many people, as it was Spring and people would just ask for delivered packages, which was handled by his dad.


It was Monday, lunchtime. Tweek grabbed his tray and looked down on his food. Mashed potatoes and fish fingers. Yum! Now where should I sit-

"Tweeeeeek!" He heard a familiar voice. He looked around and saw Kyle waving at him, sitting next to Stan, smiling. He waved back and walked up to them.

"S-sup... can I sit with you g-guys?" He asked, fearing he would get rejected.

"Of course! That's why I yelled across the entire cafeteria, dummy." Kyle chucked and gestured Tweek to sit down across them. Tweek sat down happily and glanced around, trying to find the two other boys from the group. Stan noticed his confusion and said:

"Ah, Kenny is away for a bit and Cartman is sick. To be honest, Kenny sometimes just disappears for a day or even a week. So yeah, this is normal." Stan sighed and started eating his food. Kyle and Tweek did the same and the pleasant silence went on for some time. After they finished their food, Tweek -surprisingly- spoke up.

"S-so uuuhh... the party...?" He trailed off, a bit embarrassed.

"What about i- OH! Yeah! It starts at 9:00PM, but feel free to come half an hour early if you are bored, you could help with the preparations and I've wanted to chat anyways." Kyle smiled.

"O-okay!" Tweek nodded. " G-gotta go to Maths now, y-you guys have f-fun!" He waved goodbye and got up.

"Bye, see ya later!" Stan and Kyle said their goodbyes too.

The rest of school went slowly. He had to survive the remaining lessons. Three to be exact. Algebra, Biology and Media. The last one was even worse, because he had Media with Craig. He made a plan; sitting in the back would reduce the chance of a possible encounter, so he sat in the far left corner of the room. And then, class started. But there was one problem.

Craig wasn't there.

Well, it wasn't a PROBLEM, but it bugged Tweek.

What if something bad happened to him or I dunno, he hurt himself or- or- or- DIED???? He started overreacting, so he gulped some of his coffee down to calm down.


It didn't help.

Tweek started hyperventilating, making it impossible to breathe. This was common for him, but he always had Craig by his side. He needed to survive alone this time.

He walked out of the classroom and muttered a "S-s-s-s-orrhy" between gasps. He ran to the nearest bathroom as fast as he could and splashed cold water on his face. He tried to calm down.

But still, he couldn't. His thoughts were still about Craig.

Why did he kick me? Why does he hate me? Why didn't he come to school? What happened to him? WHY DOESN'T HE LOVE ME-

His thoughts were interrupted by.. well... collapsing. He fell on his knees and panicked even more. His breaths were hard and heavy, just like the weight on his shoulders.

Tears rolled down his cheek as he couldn't breathe anymore. He started suffocating.

Just then, the bathroom door was opened. A certain school-ditcher ran in and kneeled down before Tweek.

"FUCK! TWEEK! CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" Yup, it was Craig. Without hesitation, the raven-haired boy tightly hugged the smaller figure before him. Tweek's eyes widened and his breaths started to be normal. He hugged him back, finally relaxing his pulse too.

After what seemed an eternity, Tweek decided to pull away. I can't forgive him. That would make things.. too simple and he could use it against me.. I have to be on my guard.

"What are you doing here, Craig?" Tweek asked as coldly as he could, trying his best to hide the need for his affection.

"I......" He rubbed his neck. "I was late to class and when I went in, I saw you weren't there, but you had your stuff next to a table. I asked where you went and the teach... told me you ran out gasping for air." His voice was silent and sad. "So I knew what was up and went to find ya.." He finished, embarrassed and ashamed of himself.

"Oh. Okay. Thanks." Tweek stood up and left Craig dumbfounded.

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