Highs and Lows

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Hello my lil puffs! What's up, and welcome to another chapter of WhereWolf! Okay, jk, just me being strange. But I promise, you will get another chapter of WhereWolf. Anyway, if you don't know what Voltron:Legendary Defenders is, you should watch it, it's on Netflix. Anyway, let's jump right in! Also, I'm going to try a new paragraphing tactic, so this may look a smidge different and not like a huge block of text...

Keith's POV
Keith nervously stepped into his Assignments class, keeping a sharp eye out for the Prince.
A. Prince.

He had been paired with the highest of royalties ever. Wow.

Not that this was helping his current mental or emotional status. After the attack, he was practically falling to pieces. He sat down in his desk at the back, just as the Prince himself came in. Soon, each Hero and Sidekick were scattered amongst the hallway, the only group being bigger than two was the Prince's, him having a good five bodyguards.

Keith already knew quite a bit about the attacks, more than anyone else, for sure. He watched the Prince approach.
Uh oh, Keith thought as the pretty boy drew nearer. Lance had quite the devilish expression on, and, being the Prince, Keith couldn't do anything to stop his scheming plots.

"And now, Docker," Lance spat out at Keith as he backed up against the stone wall. "You're going to learn what happens when someone as low as you forgets his place."
Lance gestured to the two closest bodyguards, who were armed with metal-plated fists and small pocketknives.

Keith, panicking, drew his own knife, in a feeble attempt at defense as the two hefty boys charged at him. The one with the knife pinned him against the wall, as the other with the plated fists slammed his hand into Keith's gut. Immediately, Keith legs gave out and he vomited, the contents of his stomach pushed out by the force of the blow. Again and again, the meaty guy punched him, until he was battered, with at least one broken bone.

Then, as if there were no mercy in the world, the puncher took up the job of pinning Keith down while the knived boy advanced. Keith raised his arms weakly, but the puncher slammed his left wrist against the wall, jamming his shoulder awkwardly. The knife boy carefully whipped the knife over Keith's shoulder in a pattern, making the crest of the Prince.


"Keith? Are you alright?"
Keith nodded mutely as he stumbled through the door. Shiro was anxiously standing at the door of their shared cottage. Ever since the attack, he'd been living here with Shiro and his ragtag group of friends, all hurt by the Royal Family.

Shiro had been wrongly accusedbad timingof stealing precious gems meant for the Royal Family themselves, including diamonds, and as a public example, he was whipped and, as a permanent reminder never to steal, the Royal Family ordered his arm cut off, and acid poured on his head, so now Shiro was left with quite a few scars, including the trademark one across his nose, one arm, and a fluff of hair that had been bleached white by the acid.

Pidge's brother, Matt, and her father, Samuel, had been arrested by the Royal Family for some crime or another, and disappeared some time after, Pidge's new sole goal in life to find her long-lost brother and dad.

Hunk... nobody knew what had happened to Hunk, not even Hunk himself, since Hunk just let his problems drift away on the wind.

And then Keith. Now, apparently, he was also a part of the gang, what with the beating he took today.

"Are you sure, Keith?" Shiro's voice penetrated the house, practically begging the attention of the others.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just had a run-in with the Prince today, is all..." Keith trailed off as Pidge walked through the door, fiddling with that thing she called a laptop... something she had invented.

"Yo, bros. What's up?" Pidge had the weirdest slang ever. She must have picked it up from Intermediate School For Dockers. That's another thing. Keith was the only true Docker out of the whole gang, though he didn't look the part. They were all just considered Dockers because they lived in the Docker area, and couldn't afford a different house.

Shiro was of Laborer heritage, Pidge came from a Factorer community, and Hunk's parents were actually Royal Chefs.

"Oh, nothing." Keith replied, aiming a poke at her treasured laptop. Pidge jumped and hissed, slapping his fingers with those tiny hands of hers.

"No touchie the laptop, Keith!"

"Okay, jeez," Keith laughed, holding his hands up in fake surrender. The only place he could really show his silly side was here, with his adopted family. Shiro had already felt like a brother, now he was more like a second father to Keith.

Pidge growled at him playfully and plopped down on the pile of blankets and wood they called a couch. Actually, the only reason they called it a couch was for Shiro's sake. Shiro was trying his hand (literally, his one hand) at a new tradecarpentry.

The 'couch' was his first attempt, and, when they got it, it had actually just been a hard wood frame with planks laid across it, but to soften it, they had laid an assortment of towels and blankets over it. The actual woodwork was decent, it just never looked quite like a couch because they were unable to afford any cushioning whatsoever.

Keith thudded down next to Pidge, ignoring his probably broken bonesthey'd heal.

"What's up, Pidgeotto?"

"Just trying to enter a code to control the Palace's lighting system, y'know, the Palace that Prince Snob himself lives in? Turns out, laptops are super useful when you hook up enough metal!"

"Wow!" Keith was impressed. I mean, he knew she was smart, but wow. Keith smiled and got up to see what Hunk was making for dinner. Hunk had definitely inherited his family's skills, because right now, he was managing to brew up a delicious-smelling soup from just sheep guts, and radish scraps.

Keith breathed in the savory aroma, then headed to the table, Shiro's latest piece of carpentry, to finish his homework. He pulled out the many files and leaflets of crude paper he had noted on, and stared blankly at the pages.

His adopted family knew his secret well enough, but they'd never tell anyone. He hoped. But how was he supposed to tell the Prince about it? He didn't want to reveal the identity of the Redblood Werewolf, but how was he supposed to help the Prince, and stay in school, if he couldn't?

Keith took a deep breath and laid his papers aside, pulling out a fresh sheet and a stick of charcoal, his best pencil. He furiously scribbled notes and doodled images until, suddenly, he was awoken from his writing frenzy by a gentle hand in his shoulder.

"Keith?" Shiro's voice softly echoed. "There are some... higher-ranking people here to see you."

Keith rolled his eyes and groaned, "Ugh, what do they want?"

Shiro sighed and asked as Keith stood to answer the door, "But please, Keith, if you can avoid an argument, do try... this family doesn't need another incident on its hands, if you know what I mean..."

Keith nodded mutely, silently fuming, and opened the door. He recognized the two in front immediately, and they parted, revealing a boy in fine uniform, with a thin gold crown laying lopsidedly on his brown hair.

The Prince had come calling, and he did not look happy.

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