Painful Pasts

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Okay, just a quick note, the italics is a dream, there is a tad of gore, and this is after the Prince visited Keith, that night.

Keith's POV

I am standing, watching the full moon. The night is calm, but suddenly, I feel an odd feeling. A surge of power, and I realize I am a Werewolf. I am tall now, and my black hair has morphed into a thick, soft coat of fur that accents my brilliantly white fangs. I laugh, my sound turning into a bone-chilling howl.

I walk towards the village, on all fours now, loping at an easy pace. I see the farthest-out house, the closest to me, and I feel an odd recognitionand an urge to kill. I dash silently to the house, crashing through the flimsy door and running to the only other room in the house.

A woman who seems slightly familiar looks up in horror and whispers, "Keith?" I don't acknowledge her. Instead, I attack, and the rest is a blur, and when I come to terms with what's going on, I'm normal again, standing in my house, except one thing is eerily different.

My parents are dead, with their hearts ripped out and missing. Gone, poof. Only gaping holes in their chests is proof they were ever there at all. My mouth tastes like blood, and I sit on the bed.

I'm numb, this isn't realbut it is. A wave of grief so powerful it knocks me to the floor washes over me, and I cry myself sick. There's blood, tears, and vomit everywhere, and I stagger, lost, out of the now-empty house.

I scream, a sound full of pain as I realize the extent of what I've done. I killed my own parents. I killed my only family. I am a monster.

"Keith, Keith, wake up!" A strong hand is shaking me, and I groggily open my eyes to see Shiro above me, concern written on his angular features as plainly as black against a white background.

I gasp, feeling the wet tears on my face drip onto my clothes as I sit up, and he asks, "What was it? A flashback again?" I shudder and mutely nod, trying not to recall the dream that had portrayed my past in such perfect detail.

The painful recollection had probably been brought up by the agonizing amount of research we had had to do on the Redblood Werewolf, the thing that the Prince decided to visit me for.

Shiro wordlessly wraps his one arm around me, and I can't help thinking about all he's been through. For a while, the only job the Royal Family would allow him to get was a low-paying Gladiator job that he had for about a year before they removed the ban. I hug him back, than he pulls away and says in a fatherly way, "Okay, Keith. You better get some sleep now, alright?" I nod and he leaves the room, me drifting back off to sleep.


Lance's POV

It was cold, and I rested my hand on my chin as my Servants readied the bedchamber. Suddenly, a loud shriek echoed from my mother's room.

I am ten years old, so my little legs work very hard to run down the stairs. I run in and see my mother screaming in pain, with Royal Nurses around her. Only a few minutes later, she lies still. Too still.

I run to her side as the nurses hustle off with something, and I touch her arm. It's as cold as ice. When I don't feel her heartbeat or her breath, I know she's dead.


The word echoes in my small brain as tears run down my cheeks. Mom is never coming back. Never.


I wail and scream, rousing the whole Palace.


Finally, I feel myself drifting off to sleep as my dad, red-eyed and shaken, rocks me and sings me asleep in a cracking voice, and as I drift off, one last word echoes in my mind.


I jolt upright. The silk bedsheets are damp and stuck to me. I peel them off and walk shakily to my bathroom, splashing my face with water as the flashback fades away. My mother died that night. She had dark hair and pale skin. She reminds me too much of the Docker I am paired with. So, I am mean to him.

It makes me feel better in a twisted way, but then, a wave of guilt suddenly hits me as I recall his terrified face. I wince, horrified at my actions, and promise myself I'd apologize tomorrow. With that, I eased back onto my bed, mind at peace once again.

Okay, no, Keith is NOT related to lance. Just for a reason why Lance "hates" Keith. Bye my lil puffs!

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