Home And Horrors

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Here is an amazing drawing of Keith as the Werewolf, by @SlitherinSnake on FrameCast!!!

Here is an amazing drawing of Keith as the Werewolf, by @SlitherinSnake on FrameCast!!!

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Keith POV
I'm groggy when I open my eyes, my vision blurry. I blink a few times and realize I'm not in the forest anymore, although thankfully I'm not a werewolf anymore either. I'm in a low-ceilinged room with bars for one wall. Inset into the bars is a barred door, right next to the other walls which are dark. The lighting is dim and the ceiling is damp, water-stained and dripping. My heart drops as the events of the previous night rush back to me. Lance must've seen and figured it out... and reported me. What is going to happen to my family? By my family I meant the small band of misfits I live with; Shiro, Pidge, and Hunk. Only Shiro knows my secret, but they've all been living with me. If the Crown finds them, they all could be punished. My whole body is stinging from untreated wounds, and I'm trying to ignore them.
I hear footsteps carefully clicking down the hall, and when they turn the corner, the King is standing there, King Zarkon. (Prince Lance is adopted btw) His wife, Queen Haggar, is behind him, her posture stooped, but I can clearly see her face. She looks ready to harm the monster that left so many families devastated. Zarkon clasps his hands behind his back as Haggar uses her Witchery to warp into my small, cramped cell. She snarls, "Who harbored you, filthy monster?"
Oh no. I knew it would come to this, but I was hoping it wouldn't. I should've known hope wouldn't suffice. Never had, and probably never would. I stayed silent. Maybe if I stayed quiet long enough, she'd think I was a mute.
Suddenly, a bolt of evil purple lightning singed the air, and, through the immense agony, a scream claws its way up my throat, ripping the air. So much for acting mute, I think, my head clouded by the intense pain still racking my body in spasms, even after Haggar had withdrawn her power.
     An odd, tugging sensations begins tingling at the back of my brain. It gives a sharp jerk, and I gasp. Haggar has her eyes closed, and as the sensation becomes more of a method of search, I grit my teeth to ward off the pain. It doesn't help. A sharp pain radiates through my skull, causing my body to go stiff. My head snaps back and I hear a sickening crack as my head makes contact with the floor.
A yelp escapes unbidden from me, and the pain fades to a dull throb, even though I am pale and shaking, my skin cold and clammy. My mouth starts opening without my order, and I begin to breathe out six words.
"T-Takashi Sh-Shirogane... K-Katie Holt... Hunk G-Garrett..."
My throat contracts and Haggar's probe retreats, leaving me gasping for breath. I hadn't told anyone Pidge's real name. What did I do?

Lance's POV
I open my eyes to my own, comfortable, royal bed. Then I realize why I awoke at about eight in the morning. I can faintly hear a scream. That scream sends the memories of last night reeling through my tired brain, waking it up like a slap to the face.

I scream, as the Redblood Werewolf advances. I can see his curly, black-purple mullet, and tears slide down my cheeks. "K-Keith?" My voice is a very unprincely squeak.
He growls, and as I look into his shallow, pitch-black eyes, I realize that the only bit of Keith in this monster is the physical form. Keith may be in there, but this was not him. He lunges suddenly, I being unable to move fast enough, getting his teeth scraped against my arm. The ripped flesh began boiling with brilliant crimson, and while the wound was shallow, it brought a flame of agony I had never known.
"KEITH!" He paused, his stance light and taut, prepared for another attack. He tilts his head the slightest bit. Suddenly, he howls in pain as a volley of tranquilizing arrows fire from behind me. I whip my head around to see about half the Royal Guard, bows reloaded with arrows.
"Guys, wait!" I yell, stepping in front of the archers. "Stop! He's knocked out cold!"
I was right. Keith had stopped hissing in pain and was now laying unnaturally still on the flattened, slick grass. He looks like some kind of twisted, grotesque porcupine from all the arrow shafts protruding from his chest, feathered at the end. I could still see every arrowhead though, meaning none went deep enough to kill or even severely injure. The Royal Guard is good at what they do.
I watch as the Guard begin fastening silver shackles around his wrists, dragging him off by the single chain attached to them. As they mount their horses, dragging Keith behind them, I can hear the faint sizzle of burning flesh, and I notice the burns around his wrists where the shackles met skin.
Before I can say anything, though, I feel a sharp prick on my neck. I turn around to see a Guardsman holding a tranquilizer dart. My vision begins fading in a kaleidoscope of dull colors, and the last thing I hear before passing out is, "Poor kid. Been through enough before this. Being terrorized by the Werewolf while alone in the forest? We'll need to talk to someone about that."


I finished. This chapter. And yeah. Be proud of me please this took me ages becuase im a lazy procrastinator.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2018 ⏰

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