Hello Everyone!

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Kat: Hello everybody! I'm here with the amazing Sisi-Sama!

Sisi-Sama: Hello! This is the truth or dare book for our account!

Kat:The rest of us should be coming in shortly, so we need t-


Sisi-Sama: DINGO! SHUT UP!

Kat: *pulls the rest of the Pals into the room* Why are you guys even here? Y'all in the wrong book!

Corl: We wanted to watch you guys suffer....I mean have fun!

Sisi-Sama: *facepalms* GO BACK TO YOUR BOOK!

*Alex and Sketch grab Kat and jump into the book teleportation module with Denis and the others and disappear*


Sisi-Sama: Uhhh, I gotta go get her back. Bye! SEND US DARES!!!

TRUTH OR DARE: WHYMEGODJUSTWHYWhere stories live. Discover now