Chapter Two

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Amy's POV

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Amy's POV

I wake up feeling disoriented. Opening my eyes, I move around and sigh with relief when I recognize where I am. There is only one person who I knew I was able enough to trust when it came to my abusive dad and that was Emily. 

Emily found out in seventh grade when I was thirteen, only one year after my mother's death. She of course knew of my mother's death and had even attended the funeral, but she never knew of the beatings until one day I showed up to school with a bruising black eye.

I had no make up back then as I do now, so my bruises were always in full view.

When she had asked what happened, I had refused to tell her the truth, and instead said I had crashed into a wall. She of course didn't believe. She kept bugging and eventually I told her the truth. She ended up in tears and kept telling me how sorry she was for not noticing sooner.

I knew I could trust Emily with my secret because I have known her since first grade. We instantly clicked and we soon became best friends. Since then, we were both lucky to have the same teacher throughout all of Elementary School and some of the same classes in Middle School.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear the door squeak open. Standing in front of me is none other than the one and only Emily in all her glory.

Her hazel brown hair is tied up into a messy bun and she's wearing a tank top and sweat pants.

I smile weakly at her while she glares at me. "Hi," I mumble weakly with a wave.

She crosses her arms and keeps glaring at me. I sigh. "You know why I can't fight back Em, and before you say anything, you have done enough to help and you can't just ask your parents to adopt them. It just isn't fair to dump all this on their shoulders." I tell her.

Emily has always wanted to help. When I told her my reason for not fighting back, she said that her parents could adopt me and my siblings, but her parents already had 3 children including Emily, they didn't need four more to be dumped on them. Plus, they don't even know about the abuse.

Emily sighs. "I understand that you don't want our help, but at least tell them, they're smart, they can tell that someone has been using our first aid kit more and more times than the average family, tell them Ames. Someday, there may be an injury that I won't be able to heal, and then we'll have no where slash no one else to turn to."

Now it's my turn to sigh. I know she's right, but her parents have their own problems to deal with. "I'll tell them eventually, but until then, we can figure this out together. Now, where are my siblings?" I ask.

"Don't worry, I drove them to school before I brought you here." She told me.

"Thank you so much Em." I say and then go to hug her. Unfortunately, the moment I move an inch, my waist starts hurting. I groan.

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