Chapter Forty Four

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External Narrator

Amy Kuether feels dead. Her body is numb and sweat covers every single inch and pore on her body. She can’t move without pain spearing through that limb. Wendy sits across from her, only ever leaving for food or for the bathroom. 

Her father claimed that the poison she was injected with came from a White Winged Vampire Bat which are rare and overall unresearched in the professional world. They do however feed off of human blood, which freaks the hell out of Amy.

The bat venom can’t quite kill her - they didn’t inject enough for that - but it will continue to paralyze and be a pain until her body can fully knock it out of her system. However long that may take all depends on just how well Amy has been keeping herself health-wise. 

“Hello?” Wendy answers her cell phone almost immediately after it first rings. Amy doesn’t dare to move her head which is facing the ceiling. She listens to the murmured commands of someone through the other end of the phone before Wendy reponds back while glancing at her. “She has slightly more color back in her face, however I don’t think it would be a good idea to schedual a fight or any sort of physical or emotionally draining acitivity for another few days.” 

A pause is heard from Amy’s position on the bed and she strains to hear whoever is on the other end of the phone call. Only snipets can be heard. 

“Uh huh, alright,” Wendy glances at Amy again, worry seen on her features this time. “I don’t thi-” Wendy pauses as she gets cut off before sighing again. “Alright, I’ll let her know.”

Silence fills the room as the caller cuts the call. Amy only waits a few moments in anticipation before Wendy informs her of what just went down.

“Well,” The red head chuckles uncomfortable. “Your father is sending someone to come check in on you and your body. Unfortunely, he also only ever hires the best.” Amy continues to stare at the spot in the ceiling, only partly taking in Wendy words. “-and since you’re his Heir, he would do anything to make sure you live -”

Amy’s mind goes in and out of consciousness as her world starts to fade. She only catches the last few words in Wendy’s rant. “- of course then, he would kill and murder and pay millions. Um, but to make sure you lived, he would also team up with the enemy.”

Alexander’s Pov

Alec, Shawn and I stare at the cell phone in the middle of the table. The call ended a few minutes ago and not one of us have dared to move or speak. This is insane - impossible, monumentous even. 

This is something none of us saw coming. 

“Holy Shit,” Shawn whispers. 

“What the hell is veneno de mercigulo?” Alec questions with horrible pronunciation.

“It’s bat poison,” my mother answers as she comes strolling into the room. When the call ended I did manage a few words to send for her. “There are only a handful of venomous bats around the world - however either one of those, with enough poison extracted, could kill a human being. Why do you ask?”

We all glance at each other, and there is no doubt in my mind that we’re all thinking about the phone call that just ended. 

“Hello?” My mother questions while waving her hands around, trying to get our attention. “Why do you ask? It’s not everyday someone mentions the poison. What are you dimwits planning?”

Alec sucks in a breath before turning to our mother, his face a pale white because we all know that that phone call and my mother’s decision will determine where we stand in this battle - and if we choose to drag outselves in so early. “Is it curable?”

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